Enscbede, capture of, m. i. 170.
Epping Forest Assembly House, m. ii.
Erfurt, Church of St. James of Scotland
at, restored, m. ii. 464;
Ericthonius, typical of Prince James,
i. 631.
Erskine, Sir Charles, m. i. 330.
Essex, Robert, 2nd Earl of, Earl Marshal,
portrait for brooch, i. 173.
Essex, Robert, 3rd Earl of, Parliamentary
general, badges, i. 295-298,
300 ; appointed Command er-in-
Chief, 296 ; military badge for battle
of Edgehill, 300; appointed Captain-
General, m. 312 ; resigns command,
317 ; death, m. 326, 327.
Eugene, Prince, of Savoy, raises siege of
Coni, ii. 27 : commands at battle of
Blenheim, 255, m. 258-262; and
Marlborough compared to Castor
and Pollux, 260, 261, 324; attacks
Toulon, 306 ; battle of Oudenarde,
m. 323-325 ; his cordiality towards
. Marlborough, 323, 360, 364'; siege
and taking of Lille, 331, 333, m.
342, 343; campaign of 1708, m.
350; battle of Malplaquet, m.
360, 361 ; takes Mons, 363 ; takes
Douay and marches on Arras, 372 ;
takes Douay, Bethune, St. Yenant,
and Aire, m. 377; and Charles VI.,
Marlborough, Prince of Baden, &c.,
m. 387.
Europe, condition of, in 1700, m. ii.
Evertsen, Cornelius, Dutch Admiral,
killed, m. i. 523.
Excommunication of Henry VIII. by
Paul III., m. i. 39.
Expedition to Eogland, premiums for
poems on, i. 680; ii. 19.
Fagel, Caspar, his letters on Liberty of
Conscience, i. 621.
Fagius, Paul, reformer, m. i. 81.
Fairfax, Ferdinand, Lord, badges, i. 303,
Fairfax, Henry, m. i. 511.
Fairfax, Sir Thomas, General-in-chief
of parliamentary forces, badges, i.
317-319 ; unfinished medal by Simon,
318 ; Dutch satirical medals
of himself and Cromwell, 388, 389;
and Cromwell, m. 411.
Farthings of Queen Anne, their mistaken
value, ii. 414.
Ferdinand of Brunswick, Prince, commands
at Minden, m. ii. 701-703,
708 ; elected Knight of the Garter,
702 ; and Frederick the Great, m.
704 ; and others, m. 705.
Fiennes, Colonel Nathaniel, reputed medal
of, i. 307.
Finisterre, Cape, Spanish fleet destroyed
off, 1596, i. 164; action off, in
1747, m. ii. 634.
Fire Insurance Companies established,
1696, ii. 155;
Fire of London, m. i. 525.
Fireworks at the Hague, 1691, m. ii.
13, 14.
First Partition Treaty, 1698, m. ii. 197.
Fishery, Dutch, regulated, 1636, m. i.
278, 279.
Fishery Society of Britain, s.ee Free B ritish
Fishery Soc.
Flanders and Brabant, French lines forced
in, 1705, m. ii.- 275.
Fleetwood, Colonel, m. i. 331.
Fleurus, battle of, m. i. 707, 708, 712.
Folkes, Martin, m. ii. 558, 571.
Fontenoy, battle of, m. ii. 593.
Forbes, Brigadier, takes Fort Duquesne,
m. ii. 692, 709.
Forlorn Hope, badge of, i. 301.
Fortescue, Sir John, counters, i. 190,
Fortitude and prudence of William III,
and Mary, 1689, m. i. 681. ,
Fortunes of James II., 1696, m. ii. 149 ;
and of William III., 1689, m. i.
. 682; and in 1696, m. ii. 150.
Fountaine, Sir Andrew, imji, 433, 434,
Fox, Richard, founder of Corpus Christi
Coll., Oxford, tercentenary festival,
m. i. 27.
Fox firing tree, symbolical of flight of
James II., i. 652.
France, expulsion of English from, in
1451, m. i. 13,14; hostility towards
England, 1651, counter, 395.
France and England, alliance of, 1596,
counter, i. 163.
France and Spain, their subservience to
Cromwell, 1655, m. i. 420; hostilities
suspended between, 1668, in.
543; war declared against, 1702,
m. ii. 232.
France, England, and Germany, peace
between, 1544, counters, i. 45, 46.
France, England, and Holland, alliance
of, 1596, m. i. 160-163; and in
1609, m. 197-199; commercial
treaties of, 1662, m. 496.
Francis I. of France, Peace and cession
of Tournay, m. i. 27.
Francis II. of France, King of Scotland,
counters, i. 94, 95; his death, 1560,
m. 99; commemorated, 112.
Francis II. of France and Mary Queen
of Scots, counter with F. M.,
i. 65 ; marriage, m. 91-93 ; accession
to French throne, m. 95, 96 ;
Peace of Edinburgh, m. 97-99 ;
his death, m. 112.
Frankfort, University of, Jubilee, 1706,
m. ii. 279.
Frederick I. of Prussia takes Rheinberg
and Geldern, ii. 247. (See also
Bra/nd enburg, Frederick III., Elector
Frederick II. (the Great) of Prussia,
compelled to evacuate Bohemia, ii.
591; wins battles of Rosbach and
Lissa, m. 684, 685 ; capture of
Breslau, m. 685 ; and Prince Ferdinand
of Brunswick, m. 704 ; and
George II. and others, m. 704.
Frederick (V.), Prince of Denmark, and
Princess Louise, marriage, 1743,
m. ii. 579-581 : birth of Prince
Christian, 1745, m. 595, 596; birth
of Prince Christian, 1749, m. 651.
Frederick, Count Palatine, elected Knight
of the Garter, i. 207 ; his crest a
lion sejant, 227 ; head of the German
Union, 228 ; promised assistance
by Charles I., 243.
Frederick and Elizabeth, Count and
Countess Palatine, marriage, m. i.
201-204; commemorated in 1615,
m. 206 ; crowned King and Queen
of Bohemia, m. 225-230; medal
struck at Prague, 229; prospects in
1632, m. 263; counters by Passe,
&c., 380, 381.
Frederick and Elizabeth, Count and
Countess Palatine, and Prince Frederick,
m. by Passe, i* 218.
Frederick, Prince, son of the Elector
Palatine, see the preceding.
Frederick, Prince of Wales, created
Prince of Wales, m. ii. 489 ; counters
of, 1746, 623; Governor of
Free British Fishery Soc., m. 659 ;
medallic tribute to, 660; death, m.
Frederick, Prince of Wales, ar.d Princess
Augusta of Saxony, marriage, m. ii.
514, 515, 717 ; birth of Princess
Elizabeth Caroline, m. 559 ; counter
of, 623.
Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange,
elected Knight of the Garter, m. i.
246, 247; Maestricbt and Limbourg
retaken, m. 263, 264 ; capture of
Rheinberg, m. 264, 265 ; arrival of
Princess Mary in Holland, m. 290.
Frederick William, Prince of Prussia,
jubilee of University of Frankfort,
m. ii. 279; made D.C.L. of Oxford,
Free British Fishery Soc. founded, m.
ii. 659; George, Prince of Wales, ,
elected Governor, m. 662.
Freemasons of Minorca, m. ii. 652.
Freind, John, m. ii. 488.
French coast bombarded, 1694, m. ii.
98, 99 ; lines forced in Brabant and
Flanders, 1705, m. 275; frontiers
forced, 1708, m. 342 ; lines passed
a t Arras and Cambray, 1711, m.
Friesland, States of, commemorate by
medals Peace of Ryswick, ii. 170 ;
and Peace of Utrecht, 404.
Frontenac, Fort, taken, m. ii. 692, 709.
Funeral medal, 1614, i. 204.
Fumes taken, m. ii. 288.
Galway, Earl of, enters Madrid, 1706,
ii. 291, 292 ; defeated a t Almanza,
Galway taken, m. ii. 34, 35, 41.
Garter, Order of the, established, i. 9 ;
augmented, 1629, m. 253 ; conferred
on the Duke of Urbino, i. 16 ; the
Duke of Wurtemberg, 159, l&l,
195 ; Maurice, Prince of OraDge,
206 ; Frederick, Count Palatine,
207; Frederick Henry, Prince of
Orange, 246, 247; Prince Charles,
281 ; William III. of Orange, 471 ;
Charles XI. of Sweden, 544, 545,
549 ; John George II. of Saxony,
548, 572 ; Frederick III., Elector of
Brandenburg, 699; the Duke of
Zell, ii. 24, 25.; John George IY. of
Saxony, 79, 80 ; the Duke of Marlborough,
257 ; William IV., Prince
of Orange, 502 ; Sir Robert Walpole,