MB. JR. Bodley, JR. A thole, At. Bare.
The reason of the Prince’s portrait being so frequently put
forward may have been to serve as repeated assertions of his
legitimacy, and of his right of succession to the crown of
England. There does not appear to have been any especial
reason for the issuing of these medals at this time. They
were probably intended as memorials given by King James to
the adherents, who visited him in his retirement.
516. J amb s II. and P e in c e J a m e s . 1699.
Bust of James II., r., laureate, hair long, in armour and
mantle. Leg. iacobvs : i i : d : g : m : b : b . Below, n . b .
(Norbert Boettier.)
Rev. Bust of Prince James, I., hair long, tied behind, in
armour. Leg. ia c . w a l l iæ : p b in c e p s . Below, n . e . (Norbert
516. Medalet of James II. and Prince James.
1*05. (See Woodcut.)
MB. At. Bare.
This medalet is without date, hut its similarity to the preceding
piece leaves little doubt of its having been struck about
the same time.
517. J am e s II. and P e in c e J a m e s . 1699.
Bust of James II., r., laureate, hair long, in armour and
mantle. Leg. iaco : i i . d e i , g e a t ia .
Rev. Bust of Prince James, I., hair long, tied behind, in
armour. Leg. iac : w a l l l e . p e in c e p s . Below, n . e . (Norbert
Boettier.) Same as the obverse of No. 519.
MB. At. Bare.
This is a slight variety of the preceding.
518. J am e s II. and P e in c e J a m e s . 1699.
Busts conjoined, r., of James II. and Prince James-; the
former laureate, hair long, is in armour and mantle fastened
with brooch on the shoulder ; the latter is in armour and
518. Portraits of James II. and Prince James.
mantle. Leg. iacobvs . i i . d . g . mag . b e . & e e x . iacobvs .
No reverse.
2*3. (See Woodcut.)
MB. lead. Unique ?
This is a shell, and is probably a proof of a die for the
obverse of a medal for which no reverse appears to have been
made. The style of the work is that of Norbert Boettier.