Rev. Lion, crowned, holding up in one paw a branch of
olive; with the other, resting upon a globe, inscribed e v r o pa ,
it graspB a sword and a pair of scales. Reg. h in c pax, v n d e
ieqv it a s . (Hence peace, whence justice.) Ex. anglorvm g lo r ia
r e g e w il h e lm o in . m .d c .x c v i i . (The glory of England under
King William III., 1697.) i . b . f . (Jan Boskam fecit.)
Hague, lead. Rare.
444. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . Sept. 1697.
Bust of William IH., r., laureate, &c.; same as No. 442.
Rev. Lion, crowned, holding a branch of olive, a sword, and
a pair of scales, &c.; same as the preceding.
2-35. Bapin, xx. 12. Yan Loon, IV. 264.
No specimen with this obverse has been met with.
445. P ea c e o f R y sw ic k . l a s epti 1 g97_
Bust of William in., r., laureate, &c.; same as No. 441.
Rev. The Palace of Ryswick. Leg. pa x h v ic d om v i. (Peace
be to this house.) Ex. pax g e n e r . in a r c e r y sw y k domo
p r in c ip . aravs . MAG . b r it . r e g is m .d c .x c v i i . (The general
peace in the Palace of Ryswick, a residence of the Prince of
Orange, King of Great Britain, 1697.) i. boskam f
Hague, lead. Rare.
This medal presents a view of the palace in which the
negotiations were conducted, with a wish adapted from St.
Luke, x. 5, that a spirit of peace may rule within it.
446. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . -§£ Sept. 1697.
Bust of William III.,- r„ laureate, &c.; same as No. 442.
Rev. The Palace of Ryswick, &c,; same as the preceding.
2-35. Rapin, xx. 8. Van Loon, IV. 261.
No specimen with this obverse has been met with.
Europa, seated on a bull, &c.; same as reverse of No. 441.
Rev. Lion, crowned, holding a branch of olive, a sword, and a
pair of scales, ¿sc.; same as the reverse of No. 443. Leg. h in c
h i . m .d c .x c v i i . i . b . f . (Jan Boskam fecit.)
MB. 2R. Rare.
448. P ea c e o f R y sw ic k . - |V Sept. 1697.
Europa, seated on a bull, &c.; same as the reverse of No.
Rev. The Palace of Ryswick, &c.; same as the reverse of
No. 445.
2-35. Rapin, xx. 10. Van Loon, IV. 264.
Hague, iEt. Brussels, 2R. Gotha, 211. Copenhagen,
2R. Stockholm, lead. Rare.
449. P ea c e o f R y sw ic k . Sept. 1697.
Lion, crowned, holding a branch of olive, a sword, and a pair
of scales, &c.; same as the reverse of No. 443.
Rev. The Palace of Ryswick, &c.; same as the reverse of
No. 445.
2-35. Rapin, xxi. 1. Van Loon, IV. 264.
MB. 2R. Rare.
These three pieces are composed of the reverses of medals
already noticed.
450. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . Sept. 1697.
Bust of William III., r., laureate, hair long, in scale armour
with straps on the shoulder, and mantle across the breast.