olive branch and a spear: on one side are ships ; on the other,
men ploughing and sowing. Leg. c om po s it is . v en e r a n t v r .
a rm is . (They honour [peace] by layiDg aside their arms.— Hor.
Gar. IV. xiv. 52.) Ex. m d c c x i i i .
2'B. Ra'pin, ix. 11. Van Loon, V. 230.
MB. /R. JE. Not uncommon.
Van Loon says that this medal was distributed in gold to
members of the House of Lords, and the next smaller one to the
House of Commons. This appears to be a mistake; as the
medals distributed to members of both Houses were of the
smaller size. No specimen of the larger size in gold has been
met with.
The difficulties of the negotiations for peace having been
surmounted, the treaties were signed at Utrecht, n April, 1713.
Besides the Treaty of Peace between England and France,
there was also signed a Treaty of Commerce between those
two countries. Separate treaties for the States of Holland,
the King of Portugal, the King of Prussia, and the Duke of
Savoy were likewise signed on the same day. The treaty between
England and Spain was postponed for some weeks, and
the Emperor’s Peace with France was not signed till the next
year at Rastadt, on the 6th March (N. S.), by Eugene and
I TT 31 March 0 257. P e a c e o f U t r e c h t .^, n Ap^[, 1715.
Bust of Anne, I., laureate, hair bound with pearls, lovelocks
behind and on the left shoulder, in embroidered gown and mantle
tied in a knot on the shoulder. Leg. anna . d : a . mag : bri .
f r : e t . hib : beg : On truncation, i. c. (John Croker.)
Rev. Britannia stands, I., with spear and shield, and holds
out an olive branch : on one side are ships; on the other, men
ploughing and sowing. Leg. c o m po s it is . v en e r a n tv r . a rm is .
1-85. Rapin, ix. 12. Van Loon, V. 230.
MB. N . At. (three varieties), M . Not uncommon.
This medal, commemorating the Peace of Utrecht, was struck
by authority, and distributed at the public expense to members
of both Houses of Parliament and to other persons. There
were at least two pairs of dies used to supply the demand for
these medals.
258. P e a c e o p U t r e c h t . ” 1713.
Bust of Anne, I., laureate, &c.; same as the preceding.
Rev. Britannia, helmeted, standing front face, holds an olive
branch and a spear: on one side are ships ; on the other, men
ploughing and sowing. Leg. b e l l o . e t . p a c e . (In war and
peace.) Ex. anno . m d c c x iii . pax . r e s t it v t a . (Peace is restored
in the year 1713.)
MB. Ht. Very rare.
This medal compliments the country in being equally eminent
in war and peace; a statement not very appropriate upon the
present occasion, when a peculiarly glorious and successful war
was succeeded by an inglorious peace.
259. P e a c e o p U t r e c h t , 1713.
Bust of Anne, I., laureate, &c.; similar to No. 257.
Rev. Britannia, helmeted, standing front face, holds an olive
branch and a spear, &c.; similar to the preceding.
MB. At. Very rare.
This medal varies from the preceding only in size.
260. P e a c e of U t r e c h t . 1713.
Bust of Anne, I., hair bound with pearls and tied in a knot
behind; drapery over the shoulders. Leg. anna avgvsta.
Rev. Peace, with olive branch and sceptre, in biga, r., horses
galloping. Leg. pax . m is sa . p e r . o r b em . (Peace sent through
the world.) Ex. 1713.