made at the close of the Duke of Marlborough’s career, that
he never besieged a fortress which he did not take, nor fought a
battle which he did not gain. The quotation on the edge ie
not from Virgil but from Ovid, Epist. II. ix. 45.
96. B a t t l e o f R a m il l ie s , and C o n q u e s t o f B r a b a n t , &c . I r May i7n« 7 June) 1UDBust
of Anne, /., hair tied behind by riband and in a knot at
the top of the head, lovelock on the right shoulder, in mantle
fastened with brooch in front. Leg. anna d . g . mag . b e . f e .
Lev. Victory with a palm branch and a mural crown rushing,
I., across a plain, with a city in the distance; behind, a trophy
of captured arms, with a shield inscribed, c la d e s g a l l o e . in
b ea b . 28 . m a i . (The defeat of the French in Brabant, 28 May.)
(Twelve cities with their Provinces retaken within fifteen days,
1706.) Leg. cvea pv g n a c is fa c ta m in e b v a e . (Effected by
the care of the warlike Minerva.) Around are twelve shields
inscribed, b b v s s e l l a , lo v anivm , m e c h l in ia , l ie r a , d amivm,
a th vm . (Brussels, Louvain, Malines, Lierre, Damme, Antwerp,
Ghent, Furnes, Bruges, Alost, Oudenarde, and Ath.)
V I. Bapin, iv. 9. Van Loon, V. 39. Thes. Num, 536.
MB. JE. Very rare.
This medal specifies some of the places, the surrender of
which resulted from the battle of Ramillies in the short space
of fifteen days, and which were only alluded to in the preceding
medal. Ath was probably added to make up a dozen, but
it was not actually taken till 2|-§jr"- Anne is the warlike
Minerva under whose auspices these victories were obtained.
97. V ic t o b ie s o f A n n e o v e e L o u is XIV. 1706.
Anne, armed as Minerva, overthrows Louis XIV., armed
as a Roman warrior, and waves over him a branch of palm.
Leg. lvdovicvs magnvs . anna m a io r . (Louis the Great, Anne
the Greater.)
Rev. Victory with a palm branch and a mural crown, &c. ;
same as the preceding.
Edge. DOMINVS TEADIDIT EVM IN MANVS F(EMI1LE. i v d i t h . x v r. o.
(The Almighty Lord hath delivered him into the hands of a
woman.—comp. Judith, xvi. 6.)
1-7. Rapin, iv. 10. Van Loon, V. 89.
MB. -.11. Gotha, At. Very rare.
One object of the medallist is to satirize Louis for assuming
the title of magnvs , and scoffing him with having been defeated
by a woman. If he was “ great,” Anne was “ greater,” as
her arms had everywhere proved victorious over him. The
medal at the same time does not omit to ascribe the success to
Divine power.
98. V ic t o b ie s o f A n n e o v er L o u is XIV. 1706.
Anne, armed as Minerva, overthrows Louis XIV., armed as a
Roman warrior, &c.; same as the preceding.
Rev. A tower besieged; Abimelech smitten with a stone
thrown by a woman from the top of the tower, and calling upon
a soldier to slay him. Leg. p e r c v t e m e n e d i c a t v r q v o d a
f e m i n a i n t e e f e c t v s sim . rroio . 0. 9. (Slay me, that men say
not of me, A woman slew him.—Judges, ix. 54.)
Edge. Same as the preceding.
1*7. Rapin, iv. 11. Van Loon, V. 39.
MB. At. Gotha, At, Rare.
This again is a sarcasm upon Louis XIV. for his having
been defeated by Anne, who is upon these medals compared to
Judith who destroyed Holofernes, and to the woman who slew
99. B ar ce lo n a r e l ie v e d , and C o n q u e s t o f B r abant. 1706.
Philip, on horseback, flying, I., drops his crown, and is terrified
at seeing an infant genius eclipse the sun by interposing