The Marquess of Granby was at this time extremely popular
for the report of his gallant conduct at Minden made by
the Commander-in-Chief, Prince Ferdinand. Lord Granby
436. Medalet of the Marquess of Granby.
attempted to recover the opportunity lost by Lord George
Sackville, and advanced with great alacrity in pursuit of the
French, but too late to effect much.
437. F r ed er ic k t h e G reat and P rin c e F erdinand of
B runswick. 1759.
Frederick the Great and Prince Ferdinand grasping right
hands; each holds his hat in his left hand : above is a crown.
Rev. Cavalry pursuing cavalry and infantry. Leg. drove
t h e fr en c h out of t h e land. Ex. Scroll ornament.
MB. brass.
This medal refers to the victories of Frederick the Great as
well as to the battle of Minden, in consequence of which it was
thought that the French would have to evacuate Germany.
488. G eo rg e II., F red er ic k t h e G rea t , and o th e r s .
Busts, facing each other, of George II. and Frederick the
Great, both laureate, in armour, and with ribands across their
breasts; crown above. Leg. k in g . g e o r g e . t h e . n, f e e d .
KING . OF . PRUSSIA . 1759.
Rev. Six circles, each enclosing a portrait, arranged around
that of h . wilm . p it t ; those around are of prince Ferdinand,
MB. brass. Rare.
William Pitt was the inspiring genius of the war: the two
monarchs were the head of the great confederacy; Prince
Ferdinand commanded at Minden; Prince Henry was brother
to the King of Prussia; and the Duke of Brunswick was the
son of the reigning Duke. Boscawen, Clive, and Amherst are
names well known, and have already been mentioned.
439. Queb ec taken. 13 Sept. 1759.
Bust of Britannia, I'., head bound with fillet, hair compactly
arranged into a knot behind, no drapery; underneath is a
laurel wreath over a trident and a standard crossed. Under
the trident, savnders ;' under the standard, w o l fe . Leg. Br itannia.
Rev. Victory, on tiptoe, holds a palm branch, and crowns
with a laurel wreath a trophy of captured French arms, at the
foot of which is seated a bound captive. Leg. qvebec . taken .
MDCCLIX. Ex. SOC . P . A . C.
l -55. Joachim, II. PI. xxxx. 2.
MB. ^R. 2E. Rare.
This medal was executed by Thomas Pingo under the
direction of the Society for Promoting Arts and Commerce.
Mr. Hollis sent a specimen to Mr. Pitt, with the edge inscribed,
Quebec surrendered 13 Sept. 1759, and with this conquest
Wolfe’s name is indissolubly connected. Saunders commanded
the naval force, and did everything, which the nature of the
service admitted, to contribute to the success of the enterprise.