3L Rapin, xix. 13. Van Loon, IV. 227.
No specimen of this medal has been met with.
Both Houses of Parliament addressed the King upon the
discovery of the conspiracy; all classes formed themselves into
associations, and in particular one hundred young men united
themselves into a company to defend his person, and avenge
any injury offered to him. On their hats they wore a blue
cockade, and their colours were decorated with a circle of golden
hearts and the motto “ Fidelity, Affection, Honour.”
418. N a t io n a l A s so c ia t io n . March,. 1696.
Saul, upon his throne, throws a javelin at David, who,
slipping aside, escapes it, while it sticks into the wall; soldiers
alarmed. Leg. in f e c t v m s c e l v s . (Unaccomplished crime.)
IVRATIO . 1696. (The conspiracy of the Kings, Louis and James,
against Great Britain.) c. '(Nicolas Chevalier.)
Rev. A cockade, &c.; same as the preceding.
Edge. Diagonal lines.
1. Rapin, xix. 12. Van Loon, IV. 227.
MB. At. Extremely rare.
Saul is James II., attempting to destroy his son-in-law,
William. It is intended here to intimate that James and
Louis were privy to the conspiracy against the life of William.
419. N a t io n a l A s so c ia t io n . March, 1696.
Bust of William III., r., laureate, hair long, in armour with
lion’s head and straps on the shoulder, and mantle round the
breast. Leg. w il h e l . i n . d . g . mag . b r it . f r a n . e t . h ib .
r e x . Same as Nos. 416, 417.
Rev. Saul, upon his throne, throws a javelin at David, &c. ;
same as the obverse of the preceding.
1 .
Hague, lead. Extremely rare.
420. N a t io n a l A s so c ia t io n . March, 1696.
Bust of William III., r., hair long, in armour, with large
gorget. Leg. g v il h : m . b r it . f r . e t . h ib . r e x . Same as
No. 380.
Rev. A globe, above which flies Fame, blowing her trumpet
and holding a scroll, inscribed, w il r e x a s so c ia t io n is . (William,
King of the Association.) Leg. f e l ix . a s so c ia t io . a . d om in o .
(An Association prosperous under God’s favour.)
MB. electrotype from Gotha, At. Extremely rare.
This medal was probably executed at Gotha by the medallist
421. A m ic a b l e S o c ie t y in s t it u t e d . 1696.
Two right hands clasped under the royal crown. Leg. amic :
soc : Ex. iNSTiTUT . m d c ix v i. (sic).
Rev. A temple inscribed, s e c u r it a s (Security), within a bay
wreath. Leg. concordia parvae r e s c r e s c v n t . (By concord
small things increase.)
MB. 2E. Rare.
This and the following medals commemorate the establishing
in England of the first Company for the insurance of houses
against loss by fire. It was called “ The Amicable,” and is
not the ofiice known by that name now, hut the one that still
exists as “ The Hand in Hand.”
422. A m ic a b l e S o c ie t y in s t it u t e d . 1696.
Two right hands clasped under the royal crown. Ex. 1696.
Rev. A building. Leg. am ica b l e c o n t r ib u t io n s h ip .
MB. iR. Rare.