th e time of Louis XIV. and of the principal Reformers.—(Reformers and
others), i. 9, 10, 32, 66, 67, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82,119, 208, 246, 419, 435, 436,
564; ii. 105, 244, 271, 384, 412, 442, 457, 462, 470, 474, 489, 490, 498, 557,
558. (Sovereigns o f England), i. 1-5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 19, 23, 52, 53, 62,
63, 89, 186, 237, 353, 602; ii. 123, 215, 225, 418, 475, 498, 499, 714.
D A V IS, Joseph, lived a t Birmingham, where he died about 1857. He
was not a die-engraver himself, b u t merely struck medals from dies cu t
for him.—i. 37, 38, 59.
D E SBO EU FS , Antoine, sculptor, and engraver of medals and gems,
b. a t Paris, 13 Oct. 1793, d. a t Passy, July , 1862. H e was a pupil of
Cartellier and Jauffrey. His productions in sculpture and medals are
very numerous.—i. 211.
D E WYS, D., a Dutch die-engraver of inferior merit of th e first half
of th e la s t century. His works are very few in number, and no pa rticulars
of his life appear to be known.—ii. 404.
D IE T Z E L , or D IT Z E L , Jo h an n Jacob, a counter-maker of Nuremberg,
who worked during th e first h a lf of th e la s t century between
1710 and 1730.—ii. 413, 415, 431, 483-485.
DISH O EO K E , Jakob Van, a Dutch medallist, whose works date from
about 1678 to 1702. He executed medals of William I I I ., and of some
private persons, b u t his works are very few.—ii. 53, 77, 78, 82,121,131.
D R A P P EN T IE R , T R A P P EN T IE R , or T R A P EN T IE B , D„ was a
native of Dordrecht, where he worked during th e la tte r h a lf of th e
seventeenth century. H e was th e father of th e following.—ii. 20, 39,
172, 403.
D R A P P EN T IE R , or D R A PEN T IER , Jan , son of th e preceding, was
Engraver to the Mint a t Dordrecht. H e worked early in th e eighteenth
century.—ii. 120,171, 190, 404, 405,
D. S., or D. D. S., an unknown medallist, probably Dutch. He
worked a t th e end of th e seventeenth century, and his medals are only
ill executed copies of those of J a n Smeltzing and others.-—i. 700; ii. 24,
30, 33, 38,40, 51, 63.
DU FO UR, Je an Baptiste, a French engraver, b. in 1637, was a pupil
of Varin, and was employed a t th e Mint in Paris from 1656 to 1673. He
worked for several years later, as his second medal of Lord Berkeley
(See No. 254, Vol. I. p. 581) could no t have been issued before 1679.—
i. 513, 514, 581.
DURAND, Amedee, who issued th e large series of medals of
illustrious men of all countries, between 1820 and 1846, was n o t a
medallist b u t only a publisher or “ E d iteu r 8 of medals. H e resided in
Paris, and appears to have died about th e year 1848.—i. 4, 53, 210, 230,
245, 290, 423, 436, 565, 699; ii. 226, 272, 439, 445, 471,490, 585, 696.
DU V IV IE R , Jean, b. in 1687 a t Liege, d. in Paris in 1761. He
executed a large number of medals for Louis XV., as well as many of
private individuals. He was a member of the Academy.—ii. 307, 309,
406, 473, 487, 635.
EMERY, Edward, collector, and dealer in coins and medals, resided in
London, and died a t Hastings about 1850. H e is best known for his
forgeries of English gold coins, th e dies for which were made under his
direction.—i. 63.
EMERY, Nicolas, a French engraver, who received a permission in
Jan u a ry , 1554, to engrave jetons with th e arms of Mary, Queen of Scots.
—i. 66.
F. The initial of a Dutch a rtist, who executed a memorial-medal of
Charles I., and who took th e device of th e reverse from a medal on th e
same subject by Heinrich Reitz, th e younger§S-i. 352.
FA LT Z , Raimund, b. a t Stockholm, 4 July , 1658, lea rn t engraving of
his father, who was a goldsmith. A t an early age Fa ltz went to Paris,
where he soon gained considerable reputation. H e was afterwards engaged
on th e coinage of Pomerania, executed medals for Charles X I. of Sweden,
and finally settled a t Berlin, where he died, 21 May, 1703.—i. 642, 643;
ii. 217, 218.
FEU R E T , Pasquier, was one of the engravers to the Mint a t Paris in
th e sixteenth century ; the only known work by him is the jeto n which
he made for th e English ambassador, Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, in
1560.—i. 101.
F . N., initials of a D utch engraver who made a medal of William (III.),
of Orange, and Mary.—i. 570.
FOLKEMA, J a n Jakob, a native of Friesland, worked a t Dokkum, and
about 1697 removed to Paris, where he executed medals for Louis X IV .
He was afterwards engaged on th e medallic series of th a t King. He
remained in Pa ris till 1715, when he returned to his native place, and
died there shortly afterwards.—ii. 178. ^ / / /¿ ? fh. X ^ 3
GAAB, Gi D., medal-chaser and embosser, probably a native of
Augsburg. He worked in th e middle of th e las t century, and was
employed by Mr Hollis. His medal of Wren, the only one which bears
his signature, is cast and chased, and of good workmanship.—i. 23, 72;
ii. 273, 458, 459. "
GAYRARD, Raymond, a French engraver and sculptor, b. a t Rodez
in 1777, d. a t Pa ris in July , 1858. His works both in sculpture and
engraving are very numerous; his medals alone exceeding three hundred.
He was Engraver to Louis X V III. and to Charles X.—i. 4 ; ii. 268.