by Cipriani after the manner of the types of Roman coins:
but the legends are always in the English language.
449. G eorge II. S tate of B r ita in . 1760.
Bust of George II., I., laureate, hair long and flowing, in
armour, riband and star of the Garter, and ermine mantle
fastened by a brooch dated 1760. Leg. georgius i i . d . g .
Rev. A globe, on which appear the British Isles. Leg.
incomp Arab il i s . (Incomparable.)
2-65. Hedlinger, Med. Werk, PI. xxv.
MB. lead. Unique?
This medal was executed by the celebrated Swiss artist,
Johann Carl Hedlinger, and expresses the general opinion
entertained upon the Continent of the condition of Great Britain
after the extraordinary series of successes which had marked
the last two years. The dies of this medal were probably never
hardened, as the only specimen that has been met with is the
one above mentioned.
450. G eo rg e II. Me d a l e t .
Bust of George II., I , hair long, in armour, riband and star
of the Garter. On either side, k irk . f e c . (John Kirk fecit.)
Rev. Inscription, george th e second.
1. MB. iE.
One of a series of thirteen medalets presented to the subscribers
of the Sentimental Magazine in the years 1773-1775. (See
No. 86, Yol. I. p. 435.)
451. G eo rg e II. M edallic P ortrait.
Bust of George II., I., laureate, hair long, no drapery.
- No reverse.
MB. N . Very rare.
A small portrait of the King, probably made to be set in a
452. G eo rg e II. M emorial. 1760.
Bust of George II., r., hair long and tied behind, in armour
and riband across the breast. Leg. georgius . n . r ex . On a
band below, non . omnis . moriar. (I shall not wholly die.)
Around are views and the names of gadalupe, g or e e , s en e -
No reverse.
MB. iEt. Very rare.
This is an impression upon a thin plaque of silver, probably
intended as an ornament for the top of a box. It was made
just before or after the death of George II., and commemorates
the successes of the last three years of his reign, and intimates
that the fame of them will cause his memory to be cherished
long after his death.
453. Geo rg e II. M emorial.
Bust of George II., I,, laureate, hair long, in armour with
straps on the shoulder, and ermine mantle fastened with brooch.
Below, on a scroll, georg . i i . d . g . Leg. facta . invictvm
t e . praedicant . s em pe r . (Deeds always proclaim thee invincible.)
On truncation, i. v. n . (John Van Nost (?).)
No reverse.
MB. iEt. Very rare.
A plaque of thin silver of the same character as the preceding.
It was probably executed in 1763, and formed the bottom
of a box, which contained views, in miniature, of the chief
events of the late war. On the top of the box was a similar
portrait of George III. One of these boxes with the miniature
views is in the possession of A. W. Franks, Esq.