the French Dragon, and seizing upon the Fleece as symbolizing
the power and wealth of Spain. The Cardinal is Portocarrero,
Archbishop of Toledo, who had persuaded the late King to
bequeath the kingdom to the Duke of Anjou; the executioner
is an allusion to the cruelties practised by the French party
upon the citizens; and the club and the cornucopia, lying
on the ground, allude to the arms, ammunition, and treasure
abandoned by the French, when they raised the siege. By the
death of the Dragon and the escape of the reptiles, the enemy
has neither strength nor venom remaining.
91. B a b c e lo n a r e l ie v e d , May, 1706.
Bust of Charles III. of Spain, r., partly turned away from
the spectator, laureate, hair very long, in armour and mantle.
Leg. oabolvs . in . h is p a n ia b . e t in d ia b . b e x . c a th o l . On
truncation, monogram of m b . (Martin Brunner.)
Rev. Charles, armed, protects Barcelona supplicating assistance,
and menaces Philip, who throws away his arms and flies.
Leg. t v t o e i ao c o n s e b v a to e i svo. (To her protector and preserver.)
LiBEEATA . 12 m a i i . 1706. (Barcelona relieved from the unsuccessful
siege of the Duke of Anjou, 12 May, 1706.) g . f . n .
(Georg Friedrich Nürnberger.)
1% Van Loon, V. 22. Thes. Num. 577.
MB. M. Yery rare.
This medal was dedicated by Barcelona to Charles III. as her
protector and preserver: it does not mention Great Britain, but
it commemorates an event effected by her means.
92. B a t t l e o f R a m il l ie s . f -f May, 1706.
Bust of Anne, I., hair tied in a knot at the top of the head,
lovelock on the left shoulder, in gown with straps on the
shoulder, and mantle. Leg. anna . d : g : mag : b e : f e a : e t .
h ib : b e g . Below, c e o k e b . (John Croker.) Same as Nos. 49, 8 6 .
Rev. Two Fames, with trumpets, hold a map of the conquered
provinces : a town in the distance. Leg. g a l l is . ad .
b a m e l l ie s . VIOTIS . XII . MAII . MDOOvi. (The French defeated
at Ramillies, 12 May, 1706.) Ex. f l a n d b : e t . b ba ba n t :
e e c e p t . (Flanders and Brabant recovered.)
1-85. Rapin, iv. 7. Van Loon, V. 83. Thes. Num. 585.
MB. Æ. (two varieties). Not uncommon.
The obverse of this medal is varied as Nos. 49, 86.
It commemorates the battle of Ramillies, by which the
French were so completely disorganized apd dismayed that
Flanders and Brabant were abandoned almost without a struggle,
and acknowledged Charles of Austria as their legitimate
sovereign. The Allies were commanded by Marlborough and
Overkirk, and the French by Villeroy, who was so anxious to
keep to himself all the glory of a victory, and at the same time
so confident of success, that he determined to attack the Allies
before the arrival of Marsin, already on his march from Alsace
with considerable reinforcements to join him. Marlborough’s
humanity to his prisoners was conspicuous on this occasion,
and drew a just and generous eulogium from a French writer :
“ He always showed the utmost attention to his prisoners, and
set the example of that humanity which has since soothed the
horrors and calamities of war.” (Duclos, Mém. Sec. sur le Règne
de Louis XIV. é c ., Paris, 1864, Vol. I. p. 123.)
93. B a t t l e o f R a m il l ie s . i f May, 1706.
Cavalry and infantry pursuing defeated foes near a town.
(The French, the Bavarians, and the Spaniards taken, killed,
or put to flight in one battle near Ramillies.) Leg. d e . mat.v ’
(The third generation does not rejoice in ill-gotten wealth__
23 May.) .
Rev, Britannia, holding an orb, unites hands with Holland,
holding a staff with a cap of Liberty ; they stand between two