Admiral Boscawen the fleet. The time chosen for the representation
on this medal is when an attack was made upon the
two remaining ships of the French squadron, which were in the
harbour; one was towed away; the other, being aground, was
necessarily destroyed. The perfect harmony which prevailed
between the military and naval commanders is alluded to in
the legend on the obverse. Mr. Thomas Hollis, who had much
intercourse with artists, and exercised great influence in the
carrying out of the designs of medals struck about this time,!
appears to have superintended the execution of this one. The
specimen in silver in the British Museum was in his own
collection, and by his own direction "was inscribed upon the edge,
4 0 5 . L o u is b u r g t a k e n . 2 6 July, 1 7 5 8 .
Bust of Britannia, I., head bound with fillet, hair twisted
into a knot behind, no drapery; behind, a trident projecting
from the neck. Leg. o . f a i r . Br it a n n ia . h a i l .
Rev. Victory, hearing a laurel wreath and a palm branch,
walking, r ., on the prow of a vessel. Leg. l o v is b o v r g t a k e n .
m d c c l v i i i .
1 - 5 5 .
MB. 2E. Not uncommon.
This medal was executed by Thomas Pingo, probably under
the auspices of Mr. Thomas Hollis. It varies a little from
the following one. On the obverse the trident, if prolonged,
would cut the letter h in h a i l . On the reverse the wreath
extends between the legend and the date. The legend on the
obverse is from Dr. Akenside’s “ Ode on leaving Holland.”
4 0 6 . L o u is b u r g t a k e n . 2 6 July, 1 7 5 8 .
There is a variety of the preceding. On it the trident, if
prolonged, would not touch the letter h , and the wreath nearly
touches the bottom of the first letter of the date.
1 -5 5 .
MB. lead. Very rare.
This specimen belonged to Mr. Thomas Hollis, and on the
paper in which it was wrapped he stated it to be unique. This
was not quite correct, for there was another also in lead in
the collection of the late Mr. Dimsdale.
4 0 7 . L o u is b u r g t a k e n . 2 6 July, 1 7 5 8 .
Bust of Britannia, I., head bound with fillet, hair twisted
into a knot behind, no drapery; in front, the cap of Liberty;
behind, a trident. Leg. o . f a i r . Br it a n n ia . h a i l . i . k ir k . f .
Rev. Victory, running, r., bears in her left hand a trophy
consisting of a palm branch, armour, and shield with the
French lily, and in her right a large fish, from whose mouth
issues a number of small ones. Leg. l o v is b o v r g . t a k e n .
1 ‘6 . (See Woodcut.)
407. Louisburg taken.
MB. JR. Rare.
The trophy shows that the conquest was obtained from
France: the fish alludes to the valuable fishery which existed
near the coast. This medal was designed by Cipriani at the
request of Mr. Thomas Hollis.
There is a variety of this medal, differing only in having a