These are three varieties of a medalet which formed one of
a series of six, commemorative of the marriage of William of-
Orange and Princess Anne. They were struck by order of the
States of Friesland for distribution upon the arrival of the
Prince and Princess in Holland.
• 61. A r r iv a l o f W il l ia m , P r in c e o f Or a n g e , and P r in c e s s
A n n e a t L e e u w a r d e n . -3^ May, 1734.
Busts conjoined, r., of William of Orange and Princess Anne.
He, hair long, is in armour and mantle; she, hair entwined
with pearls, lovelock, wears gown fastened with brooch in front.
Leg. w . c . h . f . p r in c . avr . e t anna mag . b r it . Below,
h o l t z h e y . f e c . (Martin Holtzhey fecit.)
Rev. The Prince and Princess in a naval car drawn by two
sea-horses, on one of which is seated Cupid holding a conch and
a trident. Leg. a d v en tv s p r in c ipv m a vriac . (The arrival of
the Prince and Princess of Orange.) Ex. e x an g l . in f r i s .
mdccxxxiv. (From England to Friesland, 1734.)
1*15. Van Loon, Suppl. ix. 91.
MB. At. Bare.
The Prince and Princess of Orange sailed from England on
the 25th April and landed at Kotterdam on the 27th. The
next day they proceeded to Leeuwarden, the capital of Friesland,
where they were received with much rejoicing and splendour on
the 1st May.
62. A r r iv a l o f W il l ia m , P r in c e o f Or a n g e , and P r in c e s s
A n n e a t L e e u w a r d e n . May, 1734.
Busts conjoined r., of William of Orange and Princess Anne,
&c. ; same as the preceding.
Rev. The Genius of Friesland, her shield at her side and
holding a rudder, greets the approach of the Prince and Princess,
as Mars and Yenus : behind them, their shield. Leg. r e c e p t o
p r in c i p e . (At the reception of the Prince.) Ex. la e ta f r i s i a .
mdccxxxiv. (Happy Friesland ! 1734.)
1*15. Van Loon, Suppl. ix. 92.
MB. At. Bare.
The Province of Friesland was more particularly devoted to
the interests of the House of Orange, and every town testified
its joy at William’s recovery from illness and marriage by
extraordinary displays of fireworks, triumphal arches, splendid
processions, and loyal addresses.
63. A r r iv a l o f W il l ia m , P r in c e o f Or a n g e , and P r in c e s s
A n n e at L e e u w a r d e n . ^ May, 1734.
Busts conjoined, r., of William of Orange and Princess Anne,
&c.; same as No. 61.
Rev. A triumphal arch. Leg. v ir t v t is p r a em ia . (The rewards
of virtue.) Ex. arcvs in h o n o r em p r in c . e r e c t v s .
mdccxxxiv. (The arch erected in honour of the Prince, 1734.)
1*15. Yan Loon, Suppl. ix. 94.
MB. At. Bare.
This medalet commemorates one of the triumphal arches
which were erected upon the road by which the Prince and
Princess were to proceed towards their residence.
64. A r r iv a l o f W il l ia m , P r in c e o f Or a n g e , and P r in c e s s
A n n e a t L e e u w a r d e n . - p j May, 1734.
Busts conjoined, r., of William of Orange and Princess Anne,
&c.; same as No. 61.
Rev. A platform of fireworks. Leg. fa v s t is m ic at ig n ib v s
a e t h e r . (The air glows with propitious fires.) Ex. r e d it v s
p r in c ip i s ig n e a r t if ic ia l i condecor . mdccxxxiv. (The return
of the Prince graced with fireworks, 1734.)
1'15. Yan Loon, Suppl. ix. 93.
MB. At. Bare.
The festivities, by which the marriage and return of the
Prince were celebrated, were closed upon the day of his arrival
at Leeuwarden with a grand display of fireworks.