Rev. Corn growing within the hollow of a helmet; in the
distance, a corn-field. Leg. pa c is . alvmna . c e e e s . (Agriculture,
the offspring of peace.) Ex. m d c x c v ii.
1-5. Rapin, xx. 5. Yan Loon, IV. 250.
MB. 2R. Hague, M. P. H. Yan Gelder, Æ.
Vienna, Æ,. Rare.
The helmet, being no longer wanted for military purposes,
lies neglected, and becomes filled with soil sufficient to nourish
some plants of corn.
438. P ea c e o p R y sw ic k . Sept. 1697.
Four hands, issuing from clouds and united in the form of a
cross, &c. ; same as the reverse of No. 436.
Rev. Corn growing within the hollow of a helmet, &c.; same
as the preceding.
1*5. Van Loon, IV. 250.
MB. iR. P. H. Van Gelder, M . Gotha, Æ,.
4 3 9 . P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . Sept. 1 6 9 7 .
Bust of William III., r., laureate, hair long, in armour, with
lion’s head and straps on the shoulder, and mantle round the
breast. Leg. w il h e l . h i . d . g . mag . b e it . f e a n . e x . h ib .
e e x . Same as Nos. 4 1 6 , 4 1 7 , 4 1 9 .
Rev. Corn growing within the hollow of a helmet lying upon a
cornucopia; in the distance, a corn-field. Leg. pa c is . alvmna .
c e e e s . Ex. PAX e y sw ik m d c x c v ii. (The Peace of Ryswick,
1 6 9 7 .) n. c. (Nicolas Chevalier.)
1. Rapin, xx. 7 . Van Loon, IV. 2 5 0 .
kIB. M. cast. Hague, lead. Very rare.
4 4 0 . P eace o f R yswick. -Lg g e p t # i g 9 7 .
Bust of William III., r., laureate, &c.; same as the preceding.
Rev. Dove, with olive branch, flying, I., over a rainbow.
L eg .' m ansveae NVNTIA p a c is . (The harbinger of a permanent
peace.) Ex. pa x . e y sw ik m .d c .x c v i i . (The Peace of Ryswick,
1697.) n . c. (Nicolas Chevalier.)
1. Rapin, xx. 9. Van Loon, IV. 261.
MB. /E . cast. Very rare.
441. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . gept_ 1697.
Bust of William III., r., laureate, hair long, in armour,
with lion’s head in front and straps on the shoulder, and
mantle with fringe round the breast. Leg. w i l h e lm v s . 111 .
D . G . MAG . BEIT . FEANC . ET . HIB . EEX. Below, I . BOSKAM . F.
Same as Nos. 288, 322, 336, 383, 385, 386, 390, 391.
Rev. Europa, seated on a bull, I., crosses the sea. Above a
dove conveys to her an olive branch. Leg. qvantaevm . nvncia .
e e e v m . (Of how many great events is she the harbinger.) Ex.
2 -35. Le Clerc, I. p. 148.
MB. lead. Rare.
This medal merely intimates the approach of peace to
442. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . ^ Sept. 1697.
Bust of William III., r., laureate, hair long, in armour,
with lion’s head and straps on the shoulder, and mantle with
embroidered edge round the breast. Leg. in v tc t is s im v s gvtl-
l e lm v s m ag. Below, monogram, ¿Kj?F. (Jan Boskam fecit.)
Same as Nos. 287, 303, 321, 325, 334, 335, 384, 403.
Rev. Europa, seated on a bull, &c.; same as the preceding.
2’35. Rapin, xx. 11. Van Loon, IV. 264.
No specimen with this obverse has been met with.
443. P e a c e o f R y sw ic k . Sept. 1697.
Bust of William III., r., laureate, &c.; same as No. 441.