MB. Æ. Thomas, AT. Hunter, JR. Rare.
354. Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle proclaimed.
The Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, which had been concluded in
Oct. 1748, was proclaimed in London 2 Feb. 1749, i.e., 1748
old style.
355. P e a c e o f A ix -la -C h a p e l l e pr o c l a im e d . 2 Feb. 1749.
Bust of George II., I., laureate, &c.; similar to the preceding,
but no artist’s name.
Rev. Britannia seated, r., on the sea-shore, &c.; similar
to the preceding, but only one ship is seen. Leg. p e a c e .
NOURISHES . TRADE. Ex. PROCLAM’d . 2 . FEB . 1748.
MB. brass. Rare.
This is a badly executed imitation of the preceding by an
unknown artist.
356. F r e em a so n s o f M in o r ca . 1749.
Harpocrates, with his finger on his mouth, compasses and
square in his hand, stands, I., and leans upon a column. Leg.
tvta . e s t . f id e l i . s il e n t io . m e r c e s . (Sure is the reward to
faithful silence.) Ex. y eo . f . (Richard Yeo fecit.)
Rev. Two right hands, clasped. Upper leg. concordia . f r a -
trvm . (The concord of Brethren.) Lower leg. in sv l a . m in o r .
b a l e a r i. (The Island of Minorca.) Ex. 5749.
1-9. (See Woodcut.)
MB. At. Very rare.
356. Medal of the Freemasons of Minorca.
The Freemasons calculate from the creation of the world,
which they consider to have taken place 4000, or 4004 years
before the Christian era, the date of this medal is therefore
1749 or 1753. It was most probably struck in 1749, as between
the years 1747 and 1752, whilst Lord Byron was Grand Master,
a patent was issued for creating a Provincial Grand Master for
Minorca, to which event this medal may refer.
357. D is s e n s io n s b e t w e e n D r . C h a r l e s L ucas and t h e
C o r po ra t io n o f D u b l in . 4 August, 1749.
Justice preventing Anarchy from destroying Liberty, whom
he has thrown down, has seized by the hair, and is about to
stab. Leg. mat g e o r g e p r o t e c t w h a t ju s t ic e t r t s to sa v e .
Ex. T. PINGO . F.