G R O W I N G about HALIFAX. 129
SPHiSRIA fubramofa, apicibus albidis, bajis nigris hirfutis. CLXIII.
Clavaria digitata.. Sp. PL 1652. VelClavafia bypoxy Ion, jigitala%
ib. 1652. Hudjbn, ylngl. 639. Schoef. Fung. t. 328. Var.
Ligbtfoot, Scot. 1058, 1059, 5, 6. Sphaeria digitata.
Rslhun, Flor. p. 437, 988J et il. 989.
T A B. : '"CXXIX. .
n p H I S Sphaeria is a year or upwards, from its fpringing up
to. its decay. In September and October the ihoots appear,
they are then^covered with a-white farinaceous powder,
on thé upper part -, they are of various forms-, fometimes plain
and fimple, tapering to along extended point, growing in bundles/
as at a. fometimes they are fimple or forked, and rife
to the height of five inches, obtufe at the top, and nearly of
equal thicknefs throughout, as at d. fometimes they are two -
or three inches" high, the fummits compreifed, palmated, digitated,
tridented, or forked -, in all thefe ftates they are
covered, near the top, with the above-mentioned white powder,
which continues upon them frpm October till March,
and no fphaerulae are in that fpace of time difcovcrable. In •
this ftate it is the Clavaria hypoxylon of the Bota;nifts. .
In April ajid May the white powder turns grey and vaniihes,
the, extremities' of the upper diviiions alfo wither and decay :
The fphaerulae are now formed, and they continue to grow
till after Midfummer ; and, being lodged near the furface,
have the. appearance of tubercles on the ou tilde of the plant,
as at e ± f . g. One of thefe is obliquely cut off, and magnified .
at h. to iliew the arrangement of the black fphaerulae, as they
are lodged in the tough, dry, white, plaiHc fubilance of the
plant- In this ftate it makes the Clavaria digitata of the
Flofijioe-, foon after which it iheds the feed and periihes.
In both ftates it is covered with ftiff black hair"! near the
bafe -, the root fometimes iniinuates itfelf between the bark and
the wood, .as at c.
I have obferved the plant in all thefe ftates^ for a fucceffion
of years.——Is not the white powder a Male Flower i