* acaulis*
HELVELLA acaulis' turbinata cochleata. Peziza turbinata CXIX<
coehleata. Sf PL 1651. Relhan Flor. 466, No. 970. ctchkata.
Hudfon Angl. 637. Hall, Hiß. 2245. Schaef. Fung,
t. 150, 155, 156, 274, 280, etforteJJ'e 158. Vaill. Paris,
t. 11. ßg. 8.
W R E A T H E D HE L V E L L A .
, A" B. xcix. ^
'T^HE root confifts of a imall central tuft of ihort
•*• ^"fibres.
The plant is of a femi-tranfparent brittle fubftance, "of a
yellowiih ftraw colour when it grows on dunghills, as at b. of
a browniih dull purple when in garden-walks upon gravel, &c.
on old wood often black, particularly on the infide, as at. a.
The diameter from half an inch to two inches j fometimes
it grows fingle, fometimes in bundles, in both ftates l-ts ihape
is extremely various, The margin is frequently waved, undulated,
and rolled inward j fometimes with rents or gaihes,
particularly in old plants ; it is ho'lloW on the upper fide, and
imitates the ihape of an ear, a faucer, a ihell of a patella, a
mufcle, or a cockle, a thimble, a fpoon, or the palm of a
child's hand, with many other ihapes, as may be feen in
Sch^eff.e,r's Hißory of Fungujfes, on the plates above cited.
When in a ftate. of perfect growth it emits a copious fmoke, on
being irritated a circumliance not attended to by thofe authors
who have placed it among the Pezhug. Light foot, in his
Flora Scotica, page 1052, has taken, notice of this property,
but did not make a'proper ufe of the remark.
Grows about Halifax in autumn, plentifully.