xxxii I N T R O D U C T I O N .
Monfieur BUL L IARD, in a work now publiihing in Paris, entitled
Champignon de la France, has in a great number of very beautful and
elegant figures difplayed, in a moft fuperior manner, the Fungi of that
In the works of J AC QUI N,—in the Flora Danica,—and' in the excellent
work of our own countryman, Mr. WILLXAIVI CURTIS, entitled Flora
Londinenfis, now publiihing in numbers, in folio,—are given, interfperfed
with other plants, many accurate figures and defcriptioris of Funguffes :
So that we may ,hope in time to fay, That this extenfive branch of
Natural Hiftory, is no longer a ,Chaos, or a Shame to the Science of
It may not be\ improper here to remark, that in all the Copies of this
Work "which have been or will be fold, Coloured, the- Plates are taken off-on
the bejl Royal Paper, either Royal Writing, or what is called Wove or
Vellum Paper j but in ail Copies that have been or will be fold, XJncoloured,
they are taken off on an inferior Paper, the fame with that of the Letter-
Stannary, near Halifax,
December 12, 1789.
ERRATA.»—-Page94, 1. 30, edit *.—P. 100, 1. 8, era/t A,—P. 10a,,, r. afterward becomes.