I l I
H A L I F A X .
G R O W I N G about
SPHiERIA acaulis:) ßbgloboß folìtaria glabra gamella fur- CLX.
purea. M I M M I mÊÊMMmmàM M I -««•
Gra. 95>Ar-3- Spkaeria convexa miniata hirjuta. fiali.
Hiß. 2189.
y 1 G. I.
P I N K - C O L O U R E D
P l r i l B> CXXVII.
/-pHIS is the fize of a white muftard feed, of a fpherical
A figure, and of a colour between red and pink. It is at
firft fmooth, hard, ..and'fqlid; as it advances a thin filmy or
downy epidermis is thrown off, "under which very minute
fphaerulae may fometimes be found* after the discharge of
this covering, the plant remains for forne time with a downy
furface. It is reprefented of its naturul fize at a. and b- The
other figures ihew it magnified in two degrees, and cut in two
diredtions.- ftll^ a very common plant on decaying bark,
about Halifax.
*** ßalked.
S P H ^ R I A .
S'PH^RIA nivea, plana, pimStis nigricantibus. Hall. Biß. CLX*'
2184 Peziza turbinata truncata, difco punttala. g U H H
Sp. PI. 1650. Reih an, Flor. 46.4, Mb. 964. Hudßn,
• Angl. 634, 4- Lightfoot, Scot. 1050, 4.
/-THIS M l top-ihaped, lopped off above where it is
X white, and m a r k e d with numerous fmall black pundtures.
The item or rifing part is. black; the fubftance of the plant
within is whiter under cach of the black punctures on the
furface is lodged a black fphaerulae. The feftion at M ihews
the difpofition of thefe fphaerulae, b. is a fina l particle more
highly magnified; to ihew the manner in which the feeds are diichareed
The fubftance of the whole is dry, tough, and elaftic
-Grows'on dry dunghills, about Halifax, in Winter and
^Spring.^ • ^