G R O W I N G about HALIFAX. 101
H E L V E L L A ifiaults, pileo puhmeo coccineo glabro. CXXI.
a M A B B p r l ^ fig. .1.
'"T^HIS Helvella is of a firm, griftly, femi-pellucid fubitance,
1 convex on the upper fide, where it is fmooth and rather
ilippery to the touch. The margin is acute and fmooth, being
quite deilitute of hairs. The colour is an,, high orange or
fcarlet. The perpendicular fedtion at a. ihews the thicknefs
• Grows upon old walls and rocks amongft mofs, particularly
the Polytrkhiim minus. Dell. mufc. t. 54, fig. 2. This is a plant
altogether diftindt from the Peziza Jcutellata of Linnjeus,
R A Y , See. &c.
HELVELLA fPurpurea J fef f i l is, pileo vario hemifpherico, in- CXxil.
fujidibuliformi fioriformi,' lobato, plicato, crifpo purpureo. farcoidet.
' Scheef. l'ung, i.33.3. Dickfan, Jaf. \ . i \ . Peziza gelatinofo, .
co£,cinea cyphis conicis, jimplicibiis. at gregariis. Hall.
m H i j f . 2.221.
p U R P L E II E L V EL, L A.
^ ^ ^ B • 1 G- IL
' ^ H l S f - ' i s ^ f . a> femi-pellucid lubitance when freih, and, on .
A being preifed between the fingers, feels like a ftiff elaftic
gelly." Its. figure is extremely various, ipb6ing,; in its feveral
ftages,. formed like' a club, a cone, a turban, an agaric, a
flower, a ruffle, an inteftine, and many other ibapes, peculiar
t§fitielf. Its firit appearance i&ivery often club-ihaped, as at a.
The colour, while the plant is'freih, is coftftantly a. dull
reddiiii purple, turning black in, dipy»^ 'r'r-m^:-- ,*'r - •'•-. ;
Grows between the bark and the wood, on the flumps > ,
of oak trees, the fir ft winter after their fall, and is pretty
common about Halifax.
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