CLXII. SPtLERIA clavata integerrima rubra, capite tuberculato.
m i l i t a r i , Clavaria militarti. Sp. PI, 1652. Clavaria ' indivi/a
flavefcens plicata. Far. B. Hall. Hiß. 2024. Hudfon,
Angl. 634, 2.
M I L I T A R Y SP H Ä l A . , . .
t ,ä* B. " cxxym,4<-
T T ™ colour the head or club, is a bright orange or
golden fcarlet. The little fphaerulae, which are lodged
under the rind or common cover, caufè fmall prominences on
the furface of the club. While the plant is young, thefe fmall
globular veifels are full of a white tranfparent gelly, which
afterwards.changes to a dry powder the feed of the plant, and
which Is difcharged through a fmall pore or aperture, in the
external fide of the fphaerulae.
The internal fubftance of the club and item .is foft, of a
fungous fubftance, of - a golden colour, and is eafily Jivided
into fmall ihining filaments.
The root is an hard tubercle at the bafe of the item, and
is furniihed with brown fibred ;
Grows in this neighbourhood, in garden ground» under the
fhadow of plants, &c. .but is rare.