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G R O W I N G abo;UT HALIFAX. 131
**** kafy. -.'<•• CLXV'
' I • foliacia.
SPILERIA umbilicata punttata fupra fub-virida infra fulva.
Lieben ininiatus. Sp• PL 1617. ~ £>*'//. .M«/£. t. 30, fig.
127, 128. Mich. Gen. t. 54, ord. 36, fig. 1, 2, C, D, E, F.
F/ora Danica, t. 532, / f . 2. Hudfon, Angl. 549, No. 79.
Ligbtfoat, p. 8 57, No. 66.
L E A F Y S P H 5) R I
n p H I S Sphaeria, from one central root or umbelica.1 cord,
J- fp reads out various leaves, of an hard, tough, coriaceous
fubftance, and very different in fize, form, and colour. When
it grows on pocks, in a low,, moift, and ihady fituation, they
are ëxjended töfa confiderâble breadth; the margins lobed,
waved, gaihed in, and fometimes other fmaller ones grow upon
them; and in rainy weather, or when immerled in water, the
iurface is of a ftrong duiky green, the tinder fide of a fulvous
red : In this ftate it is expreffed on the plate at a. When the
plant is dry the green changes to a brownifh aih colour, the
marginal lobes roll backward, but the colour of the under fide
changes not : In this ftate it is figured at c.
On very dry rocks, which are expo fed to much fun and
air, the leaves are ihoft, thick,, hard, of a duiky olive colour,
numerous, and crowded together;, thus it is feen at b. In all
thefe ftates, the furface is diftinguiihed with numerous very
minute pores,'which,are feen, a little magnified, at d. Thefe
pores are the mouths or outlets of the l'phaerulae, which are
lodged within the fubftance of the leaf. Thefe fphaerulae are
truly globular, of a beautiful gloffy orange coloug; containing
when young a pale coloured gelly. The internal fubftance of
the leaf is of a bright beautiful green. A particle is magnified
at e. to ihew the fphaerulae.
Grows upon calcarious rocks, in Grauen.