xxx I N T R O D U C T I O N.
fe¿t ftate, has coft much time and application, and which will accompany
this work, when the remaining part of the Appendix is compleated.
For there are yet many fubjeóts in my poffefiion, which I do not think
fit yet to publiíh, becaufe I have not feen them in all their different ftages
and appearances i but íhall omit no opportunity of obferving them, till
I attain a more perfedt inveftigation.
Agarics, Boletuffes, and fuch other Fungi as grow on the ground, are
to be fought for in foils coofifting chiefly of vegetable mould, particularly
in low, moift, and ihady woods, in meadows and pafture grounds, under
hedges, and about old wood yards. -In gravelly or clay foils-, of whatever
afpedt or fituation, few fpecies are to be found; and I never faw
them grow plentifully in calcarious foils.
The parafitic Fungi are to be found in low and moift fitiiations, near
brooks or rivulets, on pieces of broken trees in a ftate of decay. The
fpecies of woods on which thè feeds of thefe plants moré freely vegetate,
are Hafle, Birch, Alder, Elder, Maple, Elm, Poplar, the various fpecies
of Sallow, Bear Tree, Cherry Tree, and Fruit Trees in general.——
Defcriptións, with- accurate figures, of which, as well as all other
Britifh Trees, may be feen in Evelyn's Sylva, with notes and improve j j
ments, by Dr. H U N T E R , MD. F. R . S. printed in 4to, at York,
1776. A work which Jhould be carefully perufed by all thole who
deal in Timber, and by every Gentleman and Landholder, who has the
Profperity of his Plantations at heart.
Ih regard to the Authors who have written on FunguiTes, and
illuftrated their works with figures, the firft of any note, which I have
feen, is F R A N C I S V A N STERBECK, who in his T.heatrum Fungorum, firft
printed at Ant-werp, in 1654, in 4to. has on thirty-two plates given
about three hundred figures, with defcr-iptions in the Dutch language:
His figures are pretty good, but in fome the Generic Characters are not
properly attended to by the engraver. I have an Original- Painted Copy
I N T R O D U C T I O N. xxxi
of this work, in which thofe.;dcfe6ts are Applied and corredted by the
pencil ; but this is a great rarity.
M E R S I L I U S , in a work entitled De Generation Fungorum, Q H H
Amfterdam, in folio, 1714, has given twenty-feven mdiflferent plates , • but
his ftgures and difleritions, qn the Generation of FunguiTes, .are not
now ufeful.
M I C H E L X , in his Nova Plantarum Genera, printed at Florence^ m
folio, 1729, has enumerated about eight hundred f p e c i e s ; and has given
' a great number S exjglient figures, , of every Genera of this order.
B A T T A R R A . t i n rhis Fungorum Agris^Ariminenfis 'Hifioxifl, .printed at
Rimini, in 4to. 1 on forty plates, has .given a great number ot
^gures ; all of w h S^r e ^ ¿ ¿ r i b e d , ^ P ^ notes and obfervations
S E B A S ' P I N " - V A I L L A N T , in his W L F K ^ t i t l e | ; ^ « ^ Farifience
printed at Amfierdam, in folio, 1727. hasVamc^gft many other excellent
figurés, given about ninety very accurate ones of t ungulles.
B H B a work entitled Fungorum qui in |Bavaria jg m.
palatunatu Urea Ratifonum nafcunter Icones, published at Rattjbon xn
4 vols. 4to. in 1780/ has given three hundred and thirty large plates :
Many of the fubjedts are reprefented in all their vanous appearances
and/by that means, one plant is often made the fubject for fevera
plates; fo that the number of plates greatly exceeds that of the real
| | e c i e s of plaints figured by him; In this, work the rmpreffions are
taken on both fides of the paper.