A P P E N D I X. 137
AGARICUS ßipitatus, pileo margine albido, apicibus nigrus, CLXXXV.
ßipite fißulofo baß plumofo, • am-albus.
' " p H E firft appearance of this Agaric, is a tuft or little plume
of white feathery bodies, of a very light and delicate fubftance,
iffuing from a round, fibrous, brown root. From the
centre of this plume arife the pileus and item the laft of
which is thereby furrounded, at its bafe, till the decay of the
plant. _
The item is fiftular, round, and fmooth; at firft of a duiky
hue, approaching to black •, as it advances in growth the upper
part becomes gradually paler; and in a full grown plant the
upper part is white. The height is about three inches j the
fubftance eafily fplits in filaments.
The gills are arranged in three feries; thofe of the third
often very final 1, and iometimes deficient in number. They,
are white, flexible, arched, and thofe of the firft feries are inferred
into the top of the item, by a-1 broad obtufe claw.
The pileus at firft is of an oblong form, at laft becomes
bell-ihaped. In the firit ftage it is black, except the margin*
which is white; and, in the advance of growth, the white of
the margin is extended' up to the middle of the pileus, the
upper part remaining black to the laft.
Grows amongft mofs about the roots of trees, in woods
about Halifax, but rarely.