i o 6 AN H I S T O R Y OF F U N G U S S s E S .
CXXIX. PEZIZA Jiipitata, Jlipitefilijormi, 'Umbopiano, tota luteo.
T R U M P E T P E Z p A . '
T A B>'r CVfc^fc F.-^p I.
' " p H I S beautiful little Peziza adheres, by a claw at the bafe,
to the putrid items of decayed plants, in moiil places
near rills of water. It is ihaped like a trumpet in miniature.
T h e height about half an inch. The colour a bright pale
It is a little magnified at b. cut.through the middle, downwards,
at c. Natural fize at a. I find no figure or defcription
agreeing with thifjplatit..
CXXX. PEZIZA Jiipitata, Jlipite incurva, marginibus ciliaris. Mich,
¡njhaa. Gen. t. 86, fig, i^fja
B E N D E D P E Z I Z A .
t A% cyr. f i g. n.
^ T^HI S little pretty Peziza grows on putrid vegetable fub-l
fiances, in damp places in woods, and about rivulets. It
is conftantly bent, as exhibited in the figure. Th e item is
white and pellucid. Th e cup hemifpherical, fomewhat
opaque, and of a fpft palle buff colour. Round the margin it
is decorated with upright: pellucid points,- which look like
hairs to the naked eye, but, on being a little magnified, I
found them to be thin, tranfparent films, broad at the ba'fe,
where they adhere to the verge of the cup, and terminating in
a point at top. The ^ l ant Jhrinks much, and becomes tough
in drying.