H I S T O R Y OF F U N G U S S E S ,
G R O W I N G about HALIFAX.
, G E N U S , . y . - *
C &L A T H Ife U S.
* flalked.
CLATHRU S ßipitatus, capitulo oblongo, axi longitudinali adnata. Sp. PI, 1649. Mich. CVIIi
'hcv. Gen. 215, t. 94. Halier Hiß. 2165.
N A K ' E D . C L A T H R U S .
• T A B . xcnr. ,F*I G . I.
'~|~VIIIS confifts of a black hair-like fem, a line in length, and a cylindric head,
X three lines brown colour, and having the appearance of a
foft 'and downy plume. The natural iize is expreffed at a. The magnified figure, at b.
fliewsthe network. A fmall particle of the network is highly magnified at c. to ihew
the fituatio'n of 'the feeds?"*:,' Grows in the hollows of old decaying flocks and roots of
trees, in feveral places .about Halifax, in September and Oilober.
GLATHRUS oblongo <volvato. Sp. PI. 1649. Mich. no<v. Gen. t. 04. CVITr
fig. I. Relban FJcr. Suppl. 1, p. 30, No. 1046.
P U R " P L E ' ; « L : A T H R U S .
' " v ' ^ a b , * xhTMB&Sffij-ii^fl^
' " p H T S confiils of a globular head, the iize of a mufiard feed, of a brownilh purple
X . colour, fupported on a. filiform item, fcarce a line in length. The head is furrounded
with a cover, which*® due time .breaks, in the top," and give! way to the dawny
network» which then begins to extend in length; and .to afiume an oblong figure the
cover remaining like a .volva at thfe tjafe; after, the difcharge of the feeds, a black oblone
axis remainssforfome time. The naturalize of the plant is fcen at a.b. magnified in
two degrees at f. r^thl fmaller with iJSkover, the'larger with its covei taken off before
maturity. At j^e; magnified in different degrees, when in$|ftate' of perfeft growth.
Found on moift putrid wood in damp places, in July and Augui t . .
, C LATHRUS ßipitatus, capitglà glàjS coccineo, <villo fufço. Hudfin Angl. 651 6 riY
Mticgrperéniiii pallidas pileo fulvoi • Sp. Pl. j%5. Halkr Hiß. ±1:63, t. A», f ig.
[ ' ~ . J&' fulqjus,
§ C € A R L E T ' C L A T H R U S . .
' I SHJ S confifts of a glotular head, at firil of a beautiful bright vermilion colour
X luppcrted i:pon a white ftalk, a line .in length ; as it grows older, the fcarlet '
colour changes to a dark brown, afterwards the'cover breaks, and the network appears of
a dark fufcoiis colour. After the difcharge of the feeds, the remainder of the plant
abides for fome time m form of a cup, rent and irregular on the edge. The natural iize
is expreffed at a. b. magnified in various degrees* at c. d. e.f. .
H | M '