CXXXII. PEZIZA plana tnargine convxo pilofo. Sp. PL x6ci Mich
fcuullata. Gen. 207, t.M, fig. 19. ^ Schcef. Fung, t.'284. Ray %n.
p. 18, t.i\,fig. 3. Relhan Flor. 466, No. 969. fli^&s
637, 14. Lightfoot Scot, 1053, 8.
c I L I ( A . T | D. , - P E Z I Z a B
< ^¿-A -Br a w l " x .MfemfflfPl
' " p H I S grows moil commonly on cow's dang, in the fields,
iometimes on rotten wood, or- on mofs in a moift and
putrid ftate. Its firft appearance is like a poppy feed, of a
pale orange colour; the prominent part covered with ftiff upright
hairs, when a little magnified, appearing as at a. lbon
the top opens, as at b. when the hairs, which before feemed
to cover the whcl^i top, are found to adhere to the verge of the
cup only; and the ihape of the whole' imitates a globular
goblet. As it advances in growth, the rim expands, falls
back; and thfdiik becomes flat,"only a little;,elevate*d at the
margin. The plant-is of a reddii'h orange colour.
Grows in fields about Halifax, plentifully.
cxxxrir. ; PEZIZA plana, marginibus obtujis cilioris.
B L U E ~ P E Z I Z A.
TfA?B. -CpiW F i l l l I].
' " p H I S beautiful Peziza adheres, by a fmall central root, to
putrid wood in moift places. The outiide is black and
fmooth; the in fide of a bright blue. The', margin a little
paler and obtufe, being furrounded with foft pale-coloured
hairs. The two large figures are magnified,
. ids! not know that this plant has before been figured or
defcribed. I gathered thefe fpecimens under the fir trees, at
Burks-Hall, near Halifax, in Odtober, 1782.