A P P E N. D I X.
Agaricus ramofus cornu reniferi referent. Blacks. Spec. Sot. p. 2, t. I, Clavaria
rengi/erinus. hjpoxjhn uar. B. Hud/en, Angl. 639.
t a b . cxxxvirr.
IT has a bafe or pedeftal, confifting of brawn fungous tubercles, the ,fize of hazel
nuts, adhering together by their fides, and forming an irregular knotty furface on
the upper fide;, on the under fide, where it adhered-to the wood, it is fmooth and a little
hollow. The general lhape of the bafe is roundilh; but on one fide is an additional
piece of the fame fubftance, adhering to the reft by a narrow neck, producing a fingle
horn, which is curved, and throughout^ the general footy colour of the plant.
From near the centre of the bafe arifes, fingiy, the priiicipSl ftem; it emifsVftear its
bottom ; a fmall horn growing horizontally, but curving upwards at the point. The
Hem above emits two branches, which diverg?'very little from its direction, aj it-were
embracing it their whole length. Thefe -branches terminatsSn fingeredi divifions, which
qre of a pale ochre colour. At the height where thefe branchffj terminate, the ftem
emits a fingle compelled horn, an inch long, the upper part ochre coloured..- About
three inches above this, the ftem begins to fpread out, and forms.itfsjf into-a -large open
expanfion, rudely refémbling,a fpatha of the-C«//a Indica, -but is bróádér at both ex<-
tremities; the margins%Ve rolled back, and gently waved and lafciniated ; on the upper
fide, near the middle of the éxpanfion, is a projefting line, Which feems to cSnfift of a
wrinkled membrane, hard and dry; on the under fide, all round, the margin is of" a
pale ochre colour, and full ef angular pores, which have no proper "tubes; a'J the reft
of the under fide is befet with tubes] placed in an oblique direction-, their mouths, .torn
and lafciniated, but their lower parís cylindrical. c'Thefe tubes aredaj-geft in the centre,
diminilhing gradually towards each fide, and they -run a little -way down the ftem, below
the bafé of the fpatha, the whole of which is of a pale yellow or ochre. colour, except a
few clouds and fhades of a dufky brown, on the.upper furface. A fide view is feen at a.
a front view at b.
Befides this branch, the bafe produces three-othfísí;; one, which is the innermoft, is
nearly upright; the .other- two grow at firft horizontally, and -then curve gradually upwards.
The firft of thefe has three principal divifions; éa-ch of which is fubdivided into
three or four white fingers. Another of the three emits branches from itsfidesj and
fuftains, at top, a lump or ball, of a fungous fubftance, rudely refembling ahuman
head; and in the direction that I placed' the plant, to take its figure, this head was in
profile: On the neck -is a yellow triangular fpot. The other branch is the fhorteft, and
terminates in feven white fingers.
The colour of the bark is a dark fufcous brown, with a caft of foot; the furface in
fome parts marked with longitudinal furrows, in others reticulated with rifing wrinkles;
the internal .fubftance white, dry, and elaftic. The height of the plant,-when frefh,
near fourteen inches; my figure is reduced'by afcaleof twelve inches, 011 fix inches
ftandard. A fight of this curious Fungus was procured me by Mr. THORSBY, of Leeds.
It grew on an old.log of wood in a cellar, in that town. A. D. 1788. -