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A P P E N D I X.
A G •'%• R I C I.
... • CLXXIII.
AGARICUS Jlipitatus, fafciculofus pileo planiujculo fulvo, Jiipite
nudo tenerrime villofo juligonofo. Relhan, Flor. No. 942»
456. Vaill. Paris, t. 12, fig. 8, 9.
n p H E root is black and hard* it is furnilhed with black
fibres, and fuftains feveral plants.
The Hem is firnC iolid, the thicknefs of a fwan's quill,
often crooked or bent, and 'two inches, high. It is white
within, but on the outfide of a very dark chocolate brown,
inclining to black j and is covered with a very Ihort velvety
. The gills are in three feries, few, very broad and large,
pellucid, tough, and of a yellow colour, Thofe of the firft
feries not adhering to the Hem, but rounded off at the bafe.
The pileus is cuihioned, glutinous; the rim dcflcded and
acute. The colour about the centre a ftrong orange brown,
changing to a du'iky gold colour j . at the margin, in decay, it
turns black, and diffolves.
The fpecimens here figured and defcribed, grew on the
flumps of fallen trees in Southowram, in February, 1789.