y P R E F A C E.
ings you (hall have made, (which are to be confi-
“ dered as the Property of the Society) to Mr. Hayes,
“ to be by Him tranfmitted, as often as Conveyances
“ jfhall offer, to Us, under Cover to William Ruffell
“ Efq; Secretary to the Levant Company, and you
“ fhall receive from Us, through the famé Channel,
“ fuch further Orders as We {hall judge neceffary.
5. “ Having ordered the Sum of Two Hundred
“ Pounds to be inverted in Mr. Chandler’s Hands, to
“ defray all Expences which may be incurred, ’till
“ your Arrival at Smyrna, We have alfo ordered a
“ Credit in your Favor, to the Amount of Eight
“ Hundred Pounds per Annum, to commence from
“ the Day of your Arrival at that Place, you giving
Drafts, figned by Mr. Chandler, and Mr. Revett
or Mr. Pars ; The whole to be difpofed of as fol-
“ lows ; viz. One Hundred Pounds a Year to Mr.
“ Revett ; Eighty Pounds a Year to Mr. Pars, who
¥ are each of Them to be paid One Quarter in ad-
“ vance ; the remaining Six Hundred and Twenty is
“ to be applied to the common Purpofes of the Jour-
“ ney, by Mr. Chandler, who is to be Tteafurer, Pajr-
“ matter, and Accomptant, and may appropriate, to
W his private Ufe, fuch Part of that Sum, às he fliâll
“ .find neceffary, informing Us of his Management of
“ the common Stock, and tranfmitting to Us his Ac-
“ count from time to time.
6. “ A nd though our intire Confidence in your
“ Prudence and Difcretion leaves Us no room to
“ doubt, but that perfect Harmony and good Under-
“ {landing,
“ Handing, which is fo neceffary, as well to your own
“ Happinefs, as to the Succefs of the Undertaking,
“ will fubfift among you ; yet, in order to prevent
“ any poflible Dilpute, which might arife about diffe-
“ rent Meafures, in the Courfe of this Expedition,
“ We exprefsly Declare, that the Direction of the
“ whole is hereby lodged in Mr. Chandler, afiifted by
“ Mr. Revett: And though Mr. Revett, and Mr. Pars,
* rtiould proteft againft any Meafure propofed by Mr.
“ Chandler, it is Our Meaning, that any fuch Diffe-
“ rence of Opinion rtiould not in the leaft interrupt
“ or fufpend your Operations, but that, at the fame
“ Time, that fuch Perfons as diffent from, or difap-
“ prove of what is propofed, fhall tranfmit to Us their
“ Reafons for fuch Diffent, They do notwithftanding
“ continue to purfue Mr. Chandler’s Plan, ’till they
0 receive our further Orders for their Condudl.
“ Given under Our Hands, at the Star and
“ Garter, this Seventeenth Day of May, 1764.
C harlemont.
Rob. Wood.
T ho. Brand.
Wm Fauquier.
James Stuart.
L e D e s p e n c e r .
J. Gray.
B e s s b o r o u g h .