cow was killed. The garden furniffied a variety of articles, particularly
a fpecies of fruit called melinzane, and gourds, which
are eaten ftewed. But wine, candles, and many other requifites
could be purchafed only in the city; and for thefe a Turk was
to be fent, as feldom as poffible, with our provifion-chefts on a
horfe. He unloaded in the court, received his pay, and left us
without touching any perfon or thing. The chefts were then
wafhed with water and vinegar, and the contents expofed in the
air, or fumigated, as their quality directed. This was done before
they were handled or ufed, with the moft minute attention;
and, as a check on negligence, generally under our immediate
T h e reader perhaps will imagine, that we tempted the Turk
to go on thefe errands by the offer of a great reward; but we
had no difficulty in procuring a meffenger to Smyrna, even- when
the malady raged moft, and appeared inevitable. Our market-
man, who likewife ferved the other Frank families at Sedicui,
did not once helitate. Fear was overcome by a fentiment of
duty, and of obedience to his law. He had liberty to avoid the
infedted city; but, if he entered, might not afterwards refrain.
The good M u fle lra an p e r le v e red , and rep eated ly underwent, for
a very trifling gratuity, fuch immediate rifque, as the wifer
European would not once incur for all the treafures of the
Grand Signior.
Soon after our arrival at Sedicui, we wanted fome articles
from our apartments in the conful’s houfe, for which my companions
determined to go in perfon, efcorted by a Janizary. It
was dulk when they left the village. They arrived at night,
and did their bufinefs ; but one of our fervants getting in liquor
proved unmanageable, and detained them fo long, that in coming
back they met fome Turks, who had been burying a corpfe.
The caution of the Franks is offenfive to the Mahometans, as
implying a diftruft of the Supreme Being. The man was embroiled
with them, and one ftriking him with a fpade, he drew
a piftol,
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a piftol, and it was with difficulty a fray was prevented. Befides
the danger on the fpot, our general fafety was deeply interefted
in his mifcondudt, which indeed was without excufe.
O u r confinement proved fufficiently irkfome. We had fome
books and our papers with us, and full leifure for ftudy or meditation.
A very few kind vifitants, among whom was Mr. Lee,
called on us now and then, and enquired of our welfare, at a
diftance; condoling with us on the neceffity of mutual eftrange-
ment, or relating the progrefs of the malady and its daily havoc,
which afforded but too much room for ftrenuous exertions o f fortitude
and refignation. The brightnefs and power of the fun,
with the extreme heat of the air, made us feldom ftir out, unlefs
early in the morning, and in the evening. The languor of noon
demanded fleep. The body, though arrayed as thinly and loofely
as poffible, was covered during the day with big drops of fweat,
and diffolved, as it were, in a mighty and univerfal perfpiration.
Then followed a milder iky, lengthening ihadows, and a gradual
Coolnefs, grateful and pleafing beyond imagination. Then was
the comfortable hour for change of linen and of apparel, to
enjoy the garden or to wander on the mountain. Thefe privileges
of our fituation were not inconfiderable in their value, as
fome of our acquaintance teftified, whofe lot it was to be pent
up in the city, tormented, drooping, and difpirited, with nothing
to alleviate or divert their melancholy. The caftle-hill of
Smyrna was an objedt plainly in view in thefe our walks, and
beheld not without emotion. The plague and death were buly
near us, and the intelligence, which we received from the Franks
and Greeks was dreadful to hear. We had perfonal liberty, but
it became more and more neceffary to ufe it with extreme caution,
by avoiding the near approach of any whom we chanced
to meet, and all intercourfe which could produce danger or
fufpicion. The fun fetting behind the fummits of mount Corax,
left the Iky ferene and ftained with richr and varying tints. A
chorus of jackalls erifued ; and the cucuvaia or night-hawk flitted
in the air.
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