certainty. He was removed to Smyrna, and recovered. This
family was well regulated j and the man, who had a good character
for his care and circumfpedtion, could not account for his contracting
the malady, unlefs it were communicated by a fheathed
knife, which, in following his mafter, he had picked up, and
inftantly on recollection thrown down again. Thefe accidents
difturbed our quiet, removed all confidence in our retreat, and
made us redouble our vigilance and caution. A fire alfo happened,
which deftroyed a houfe by our garden.
W e were happy, when the month of Auguft arrived, in finding
the popular remark on the continuance of the plague verified.
The city was faid to be free from that difeafe, but a contagious
and mortal fever raged, principally among the Greeks.
This was attributed to their diet, which in the fummer feafon
confifts almofl wholly of fruits. We engaged a number of horfes
and mules to carry us and our baggage once more to Smyrna j
and the eighth of Auguft was fixed for our departure from
Sedicui, where we had refided from the eleventh of May.
I t was ftriking, as we paffed the Turkifh Coemeteries, on
our way into Smyrna, to contemplate the many recent graves of
different fizes, exhibiting the uncertain tenure of a frail body at
every flage of life j and furnifhing melancholy evidence, that
Death had been glutted with as little diftinftion of age as of
condition. Farther on were the half-burned ruins of houfes,
which had lately menaced a general conflagration. In the Frank
ftreet, which had been crouded in the winter, we now met a
few perfons wearing a penfive look ; and thé comparative foli-
tude of that quarter added force to the difmal ideas, which intruded
on us. All had been involved in public mifery and in
private diftrefs, but fome were wonderfully fpared. We were
heartily greeted by the fat Janizary at the gate. The conful
welcomed us again, and foon after we had the fatisfadtion of
feeing our other friends, and Mr. Lee.
I t was natural to wifh for a fpeedy removal from a country,
in which we had been expofed to fo many dangers. We refolved
to proceed immediately to Athens. We found on enquiry that
we could not draw on Leghorn for money from thence ; and
that, to obviate much future difficulty and folieitude, we muft
carry fpecie with us. Mr. Lee accepted our bills on London for
800/. at the ufual difcount. The animofities, which had fub-
fifted between the governors in the diftridt of Cuthaya and the
Bafha of Guzel-hiflar, had now produced hoftilities; and on
the north-fide of the gulf of Smyrna, fome great rr,Pn were
feizing cannon, horfes, and arms, and preparing to decide their
difputes by battle, Thefe troubles would have prevented our
making any farther excurfions from Smyrna. We hired a boat
to fail in ten days ; and had reafon to rejoice that our long flay
■ on this continent was fo near a conclufion.
F I N I S .