viii P R E F A C E.
| Direaion in the Difcharge of that Duty to which
“ You are appointed.
1. “ You are forthwith to embark on Board the
“ Anglicana, Captain Stuart, and to proceed to
“ Smyrna, where You will prefent toConful Hayes the
“ Letters which have been delivered to You, from
« One of His Majefty’s Principal Secretaries of State,
“ and from the Turkey Company, and you will con-
« fu]t with Mr. Hayes kbout.the moft effedtual Method
n of carrying thofe Inftructions into Execution.
2. « Our principal Objedt at prefent is, that, fixing
« upon Smyrna, as your Head-Quarters, You do from
thence make excurfions to the feveral Remains of
*t Antiquity in that Neighbourhood, at fuch different
it Times, and in fuch Manner, as You fhall, from the
“ Information colledted on the Spot, judge moft fafe
i* and convenient, and that you do procure the ex-
“ adteft Plans and Meafures pofiible of the Buildings
You fhall find, making accurate Drawings of the
<c Bafs-Reliefs and Ornaments, and taking fuch Views
“ as you fhall judge proper ; copying all the Infcrip-
“ tions you fhall meet with, and remarking every
a Circumftance which can contribute towards giving
“ the beft Idea of the ancient and prefent State of
fi thofe Places.
3. “ As various Circumftances, beft learnt upon
ft the Spot, muft decide the Order in which you fhall
“ proceed in the Execution of the foregoing Article,
tt \y e fhall not confine you in that Refpedt, and fhall
“ only
P R E F A C E . IX
“ only obferve in general, that, by a judicious Dif-
“ tribution of your Time and Bufinefs, you may,
“ with proper Diligence, in about Twelve Months,
“ vifit every Place worth your Notice, within Eight
“ or Ten Days Journey of Smyrna ; It may be moft
« advifable to begin with fuch Objects as are lefs dif-
“ tant from that City, and which may give you an
<t Opportunity of foon tranfmitting to the Society a
« Specimen of your Labours. You will be exadt in
“ marking Diftances, and the Diredtion in which you
“ travel, by frequently obferving your Watches and
“ Pocket Compafles, and you will take the Variation
“ as often as you can.
4. “ Though the principal View of the Society, in
4 this Scheme, is pointed at fuch Difcoveries and Ob-
“ fervations as you fhall be able to make with regard
“ to the Ancient State of thofe Countries, yet it is
“ by no means intended to confine you to that Pro-
“ vince; on the contrary, It is expedted, that you do
“ Report to Us, for the Information of the Society,
“ whatever can fall within the Notice of curious and
“ obferving Travellers; and, in order to afcertain
“ more fully our meaning on this Head, We do
“ hereby diredt, That from the Day of your Depar-
“ ture from hence, to that of your Return, you do,
“ each of you, keep a very minute Journal of every
“ Day’s Occurrences -and Obfervations, reprefenting
“ Things exadtly in the light they ftrike you, in the
“ plaineft Manner, and without any regard to Style
“ or Language, except that o f being intelligible; and,
u that you do deliver the fame, with whatever Drawfa
“ ings