T R 23+ A V E L S i n A S I A M I N O R .
vided by, a low fermcircular wall, near mid-way, with infcrip-
tions on the face of it, but moftly illegible. I copied a fhort,
but imperfedt one, in which Apollo Archegetes or the Leaden is
requefted to be propitious. In another compartment, mention
is made of the city by its name Hierapolis j and on a third is an
encomium in verfe, which may be thus tranflated, “ Hail
“ golden city Hierapolis, the fpot to be preferred before any in
“ wide Afisj revered for the rills of the nymphs j adorned
“ with fplendor.” - - - The nymphs prefided over fprings and
T he reader may recoiled! fome other theatres and a ftadium,
in which many of the feats remained in their places, and entire.
After attentively viewing them, and confidering their height»
width, and manner of arrangement, I am inclined to believe,
that the antieat Afiatics fate at their plays and public fpedtacles,
like the modern, with their legs eroded or gathered under them »
and, it is probable, upon carpets. . \
T he waters of Hierapolis were furprizingly attempered for,
dying wool, giving it from roots a tindture which rivalled the
more coftly purples ; and were a principal fource of the
riches of the place. The company of dyers is mentioned
in the inferiptiori On the fquare building among the fepul-
chres. That heroum or monument was to be crowned by them
with garlands or feftoons of flowers. The fprings flowed fo co-
piouily, that the city was full of fpontaneous baths, and Apollo
the tutelar deity of the Hierapolitans, with fEfculapius and
Hygiea, on their medals, bear witnefs to the medicinal virtues,
which they poflfefs. The people, in fome of their inferiptions,
are filled the maß fpkndid, and the fenate the moß powerful.
T he pool before the theatre has been a bath, and marble
fragments are vifible at the bottom of the water, which is perfectly
tranfparent, and of a briny tafte. The women, of the
Aga, after bathing in it, came to the theatre, where we were
T R A V E L S i n A S I A M I N O R . 235
employed, to fee us, with their faces muffled. They were fuc-
ceeded by the Aga, with feveral attendants. He was a young
man of good deportment and uncommon affability. He dif-
courfed with our Janizary, fitting crofs-legged on the ruins,
fmoking and drinking coffee; and expreffed his regret, that no
water fit to drink could be difeovered there, wifhing, if we pof-
feffed the knowlege of any from our books, we would communicate
it to him j faying, it would be a benefit, for which all
future travellers fhould experience his gratitude.
H i e r a p o l i s was noted, befides its hot waters, for a Plutonium.
This was an opening in a fmall brow of the adjacent
mountain, capable of admitting a man, and very deep, with a
fquare fence before it, inclofing about half an acre; which
fpace was filled with black thick mift, fo that the bottom could
be fcarcely difeerned. The air, to thole who approached it, was
innocent on the out-fide of the fence, being clear of the mift in
ferene weather j it remaining then within the boundary j but
there death abode. Bulls, as at Nyfa, dropt down, and were
dragged forth without life j and fome fparrows, which Strabo let
fly, inftantly fell fenfelefs. But Eunuchs, the priefts of Magna
Mater or Cybele, could go in quite to the aperture, lean forward
or enter it unharmed; but they held their breath, as their
vifages teftified, and fometimes until in danger of fuffocation.
Strabo, the relater, was in doubt, whether all Eunuchs could do
this, or only they of the temple j and if they were preferved by
Divine Providence, as in cafes of enlhufiafm, or were poffeffed
of fome powerful antidotes. But it is likely this mift was the'
condenfed' fleam' of the hot waters, made noxious by the qualities
of the foil; and that the whole fecret of the priefts Con-
lifted in carrying their faces high in the air, as another fpedlator
has obferved they always did j and in avoiding refpiratiofi when
they ftooped. I had hoped the defeription of this fpot Would
have enabled me to find ir, but I fearched about for it'unfuc-
cefs fully.
G g 2 W e'