avowing the pride and pleafure which he feels
in having ferved a Society compofed o f fuch
illuftrious and diftmguifhed Perfonages, as the
D i l e t t a n t i ; and in recording one remarkable
inftance o f your munificent attention
to Letters and the Arts.
T he Countries, to which his Refearches
were particularly directed by your Committee,
have made a moft confpicuous figure in Hif-
tory. The Changes they have undergone,
with their prefent State and remaining Antiquities,
were defervedly regarded by them as
proper Objects o f Enquiry. Your Traveller,
on his part, was folicitous, while abroad, to
execute to your fatisfachon his lhare in the
Enterprize, which you fo generoufly fiip-
ported ; and has fince been affiduous in rendering
the materials confided to him not unworthy
o f the Society, and o f a favourable
reception from the Curious and Learned.
T h e
f V )
T h e Spirit o f Difcovery which prevails
in this Nation will ever be reckoned among
its moft honourable Characteriftics ; and
when the various Attempts, to which it has
given rife, ftiall be enumerated, and their
produce examined, This, it is prelumed, will
be found o f no inconfiderable value, but will
receive its portion o f Prailè, and reflebt
lome luftre on the name o f the Society o f
I h ave the honour to be, with the greateft
refpecft and deference,
M y L ords and G entlemen,
Tour mojl obliged
and moft obedient
humble Servant,
R I C H A R D C H A N D L E R .