by their observing one piece to be larger or smaller than another. I
confess that I used this artifice, with the view of leading the kraal to
think that I had given them all I had! for knowing that they would
continue to ask for tobacco as long as they thought there was any
remaining, I showed them my empty pockets; in consequence of
which I was not troubled by any further solicitation. Otherwise, I
should have been importuned during the whole day.
Yet, so eager were they to obtain tobacco, and so essential did
they think it to their comfort and enjoyment, that for the sake of it
they would, without hesitation, have parted with any thing they
possessed. My men, though they thought it equally essential
to their own comfort, could not, however, resist the temptation of
some very good bargains which the Bushmen offered to them;
and in this manner they procured by barter, several handsome skins.
My whole party were now in good spirits, and full of courage : an
our reception by these natives, who had been represented to us as
formidable savages, proved so truly friendly and so different from
that which, I confess, I had myself expected, that everyone was now
lamenting that he had not provided himself; on his own private
account, with a larger stock of tobacco, with which he might here
have set up for a far-merchant. But it was far better that they were
not so provided; for these foolish improvident people would certainly,
as soon as we had entered the colony, have bartered all their
furs for brandy; and their fine commercial speculations would have
ended, as they always do end with Hottentots, just where they began.
The whole village seemed to keep ‘ holiday’ on this occasion,
and the crowd remained with us for a long time after they had received
the presents; while those of my party who could speak their
language, found full employment in answering the various questions
which were put respecting myself. In this duty, Ruiter proved himself
a valuable addition to our number, as he was not only able to
interpret, but at this time, was willing also. As soon as they
found that I was not one of the boors, but even of a different nation
and language, and that I had no other desire or intention than that of
being always on friendly terms with them, they again declared, as it
were by common consent, that I was free to travel in their country,
wherever I chose, and that I might feel assured that nobody would
ever harm me.
When they had satisfied their minds, respecting my object in
passing through their territory, and had ascertained that I bore an unfeigned
good-will towards them, but more especially, that I was not
one of the Dutch colonists, whom, by the bye, they knew their
countrymen had irritated by repeated robberies; when they were
satisfied on these important points, and that there was no cause for
mistrust, it was as surprising, as it was pleasing, to me, to observe
how soon their countenances were freed from a certain anxious look
which, notwithstanding their friendly conduct, was very visible as
long as they were under any uncertainty whether I was really what
I professed to be, alone and unconnected with the colonists, or
whether there might not be a larger party following me.
Nothing was now heard but laughter and the liveliest talkativeness,
on all sides. The women soon began to lay aside their timidity,
and took their turn in the debate; and in rapidity of utterance and
animation of gestures, far excelled even the men. They left no time
for my interpreter to perform his duty, and were so full of gaiety
that they could not restrain themselves from breaking in upon each
other’s conversation ; I was often addressed by three or four at a time,
and almost think that they were pleased at seeing me at a loss to
know who was to be answered first. Ruiter used his best endeavours
in all this hurly-burly of liveliness and clack; but a great deal of
their information went for nothing ; nor did they on that account
allow the want of answers to disappoint them, or in the least degree
to check their questioning.
One woman, among the rest, was however, resolved upon being
heard; and seemed to think that the importance of her communication
entitled her to my first attention. She said that she had, only
the day before, arrived from some part of the colony; and on this
she exhibited a small dirty rag of a checkered shirt, which I found
on explanation, was intended as her credentials to authenticate her
declaration that she had really come from the country of the white
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