T h e rm o m e te r in the Shadeg
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In MEinlegsli.sh
WAithst rtohneoirm iLcaalt ituOdbesse,r vcaatilocnusla tmeda defr oomn tEhneg Jloisuhr nnaemy;e st oa nwdh icinht earrme eaddidaeted tDhiesir
OTbismeer vaotifo n.
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H . M . At Litakun. H . M .
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The figures which belong to the second volume, are distinguished by a preceding II: all the rest
refer to the first volume. The B. which follows some of the names, points out those new
wquoarkd.rupeds, birds, fishes, insects, and plants, which are now first described, or named, in this
A c je n a lateb ro sa 2 5 5 .257.
A cacia ,.......... II. 146.
atomiphylla,B. 556. 341.
559. 11.240.
Capensis,B. 114.189. 195.
325 .429.
264. 442. 526.
detinens,B. 310.520. 533.
336. 349. II. 264. 526.
elephantina,B. II. 236.
264. 268. :
giraffe ...430. 453. II. 240.
242. 465. 526.
heteracantha, B. 389.11.526.
. ■ " Litakuncnsis, B. II. 452.
464. 526.
robusta, B. II. 442. 526.
—— stolonifera, B. II. 241. 264.
vera .................. 429.
viridiramiSjB. ..........300.
A canthus ....... 298.310. 341.
Acarus R icin u s........................... 290.
A cheta .......................... 327.
Achyranthes .......... 537. 544.
— —— (Desmochmta) hamosa, B.
Adiantum ....................... 182. 208.
--------------- /Ethiopicum .... 91. 37.
ASschynomene........................... 22.
Agave Americana ................ 15.
Agrostis linearis II. 5. 7.
A ikinia ............... 538.
Aira ....... 277.
Aitonia Capensis ....................... 540.
Aizoon ... 225. 243.277. 419. 453. ■-----— lanceolatum .......... 181.
Alauda Capensis ......... 501.
Alchemilla Capensis ................ 37.
Allium ......... 296.
A lo e ..............243. 11.332.
—— claviflora,B........................ 272.
— dichotom a 24. II. 199.
■ ■ - plicatilis ............... 23.
saponaria ............. II. 532.
Alopecurus Capensis................ 20.
Alyssum glomeratum, B. 255. 257.
............ ;-l • 260.
Amaryllis ciliaris..................... 186.
— —— lucida,B. 536, 537. 541.
II. 5.
-------------- purpu rea................... 23.
— ' to x icaría 539. 541.
Anacampseros lanigera, B. II. 535.
Anas ASgyptiaca 285. II. 346.
c a n a 265.
——• erythrorhyncha, 283. 11.346.
punctata, B ........... 285.
Anchusa Capensis .................... 298.
Ancistrum latebrosum ... 255. 257.
Androcymbium ............... 259.
i — — — —— volutareB .... 21s.
Andropogon, 465. II. 247.264.266.
—— i hirtus ... 19. 57. 57.
Anthericum ... 304. 589. 558. 549.
----------------- co n to rtum ......... ' -56.
-------------■— fim b riatum 51.
—■ ■■ graminifolium... 67.
■ squam eum ............ 225.
A n th ia ...................... 285. 417. 465.
- d ecem gu ttata.............. 283.
effiigiensjB 417.
fimbriata ........ 465.
Antbistiria .................. II. 247. 266
— imberbis.................. 19.
Àntholyza ................... 132.
lucidor ....... 117.
■ — nervosa ............ 29.
A nthosperm um 296. 298.
— 1 ¿Ethiopicum 3 1.
ciliare 186.
• lanceolatum 57.
Anthus ........................................ 518061..
Antilope albifrons, B.............II. 335.
Bubalis, 420. II. 82. 534.
-------------Caama, (vide, A. Bubalis)
— 1 420. - ■— dorsata ......... 290.
- E uchore ... 290. I I . 109. 1
Antilope Gnu, 24.431,432.11.278.
— ,, Grimmia ................... 187.
- ■ ■ — lunáta,B . II. 334. 591.
«■- marsupialis .............. 290.
— melampus ......... II. 301.
■ ■ ■ mergens ....... 187.
-■ Oreas .......... 245.
- Oryx ................ II. 25.
-------------Pygarga ... 290. II. 335.
rupestris, 202. 281. II. 15.
— Rupicapra ......... II. 23.
— saliens ............. 290.
— strepsiceros,267.337.374.
— taurina, B................II. 277.
; villosa, B . II. 302.
Antirriiinuna aphyllum 19.
Apate .................................. 325.
Apis .................... 576.
Apium graveolens ............. II. 280.
Aphodius vespertinus, B 376.
Aphyte'ia Hydnora ......... 213.
- multiceps,B. ........ 213.
Aponogeton distachyon 51.
Aptosimum, B. 286. 289. 298.341.
389. 453. 549.
------------------(genus,)B 219.
■ abietinum,B. .... 308.
— — depressum, B. ... .260.
— ■' indivisum, B. 219.2 25.
Arctotis 132. 213. 229. 257, 258.
— dentata .................... 28 9 . 37.
Arduina bispinosa ............... 191.
Arenaria r u b r a .......................... 31.
Aristea bracteata ........ 67.
1 cy an ea..........15. 20. 56.59.
sp icata ..........19. 59.
Aristida 225. 289. 537, 538. 544.
549. II. 247. 264. 266.
—i-------Capensis .....................19. 31.
centrifuga, B 266.
• fruticans,6. ........... 492.
lanuginosa, B II. 226.
piligera,B ...................... 288.
Arnica crocea ................ 58.
—■— — G erbera .......... 19.