Mollala, o r servant... II. 348. 375.
MtSllema, or Mdllemo. See, Mol-
l^mrni .................... 11.349.
Moll&hmi, the eldest brother of
Mattlvi the chief o f the Bacha-
plns:— his proposed journey
to Cape Tow n. II. 337. 349.
■ explanation o f his name.
II. 349.
his person described. II.
363. 562.
— — — his attem pt to obtain a
j g u n ... II. 408.
■ conversation w ith him on
moral and religious subjects.
II. 426— 429.
-— his character. II. 416.
--------------his portrait. II. 463. 480.
»■ — ——- visits Klaarwater II. 479.
——— his house described.
II. 521.
— presents his ivory bracelets
to the author, as a token
o f friendship..................II. 572.
M onaati (G ood) 11.400.
Monarchical form o f governm ent:
its natural origin II. 546.
Mondrri, a nam e given to the
author, by the Bachapins.
II. 436. 476.
Money o f the Cape Colony... 78.
— - .'■■■ Bachapins (see also
B ead s).....,,..-........... 11.407.
M6otsi (M6atsi), o r Public Enclo- i
sure, in which the Bichuanas
usually assemble and hold their
public meeting or Piicho. II.
371.373.386. 464. 522.
Moravian M ission: the first established
in th e Colony o f the
Cape o f G ood Hope .... . 105.
Mor& kwo, an. eatable berry.
II. 588.
Morg M anill! a salutation o f some
C affres...................... 269.
Mortiua, a Kfirrikarri trader. II.
474. 500.
Morfitzi, o r Mortitzies, one o f the
northern Bichuana nations.
II. 532. 537. 567, 568.
Mossdrri (W om an or Wife). II.386.
Moses, a Half-H ottentot. 299.497.
■ - Fountain..................II. 234.
Mosh6wa, or Moshsa river. II. 299.
356. 512.
M dshu; a new speeies o f acacia.
II. 452. 464.
Mosses: their scarcity in the interior
regions o f Southern ,
Africa ...................... 394.
Mosterts-hoek; a pass in the Cape ;
Colony 126. 137. 190.
Motdeno, or Bachapin woman’s
fore-apron 1........ II. 565.
M oths: the surprising variety of,
noticed in tne Transgariepine.
Moturi (Blacksmith) a t LIiIt.a kun. 482.
M ountains: the effects o f the air
o f their sum m its 43. 47.
■ ■ o f remarkable shape, in
the Karrdebergen. 296. 298,
-------------- o f the Colony, rich in
rare plants............... 203.
-------------- a t Modder-g&t Poort.
- o f the Cis- and Transgariepine
compared... II. 270.
o f Clay-slate. See, Clay-
- o f sandstone ... II. 100.
H are
-Horse ............... 265.
M ourning: a manner o f expressing
it, among the Bushmen. 11.61.
Mozambique: negroes of; in the
Cape C o lo n y ............ 33,34.
’M pa maashe (Give me some milk). II. 437.
’Mpd muchtiko (Give me tobacco). II. 436.
Muchuana (Bichuana) remarks on
the w o rd II. 303. 559.
Muchfiko (tobacco). II. 360. 369.
392. 407.
Milch uko dkdi (W here is the tobacco?)
............. II. 436.
Milchunka (a Servant, or Poor
. : Man) .................. II. 348. 375.
o r Kees, a Half-Bachapln,
engaged by the author as
interpreter at L itakun... 485.
—— unwilling to accompany
th e author to Graaffreyndt.
545. i'oins the party at 'Onge-
■’o n te in II. 242.
his manners on entering
Bichudnia ................ II. 292.
his extraordinary orations
......... H . 300.
■ his ideas o f books and
writing ..................II. 338.
— — • his display on entering
the town of Litakun. II. 359.
- his character as interpreter.
II. 363, 364, 365. 398.
sets ou t to visit his
m o th e r....................... II. -h is simile .......... 11.491.
M u d : a plain covered w ith... 307.
■ —■ a kind which in drying assumes
the consistence o f stone. 546.
.------- -walls: m ode o f building
th em ............................... 120.
Muddy-hole. See, Modder-gat.
R iver. See also, Maap.
Muis-vogel (Mouse-Bird). 214.335.
Mdkwi, a kind of ThoIIr.n t 4r4e2e.. Mdlder Piet; arrival at his hut.
pa1 ckage otfa kbeost acnhicaargl e sopefc iamens..........................
250. Muliphianbsa :n ,f lirastte cinhtieelfl iogfe tnhcee Boafc hhais
death ...... II. 217. ----------- remarks on theI In. a2m17e.. ---------- his injunction to MIIa.t t3iv7i6.. -----------his quarrel with Ma- krakki.............. II. 512. ■ sorcerhyi.s. ..d..e..a..t.h. at tri buItIe. d5 5to1. Muliimo, the Devil or EviIl-IS. p5i5ri0t.. MMuullloajma, ua (pcrleutbe)n..d..e..d... e...y..e..-..w. iItnI.e s5s6 t2o. thhise pmaurrtdye r of Dr. CowIaI.n 5a0n3d. Muloskhhrua,b a... ....b..e..a...u..t..i.f..u..l. ... aIrIo.m 2a6t3ic. Mundna tataai'o (a strongI I.m an). usinaacha (an industr4io4u6s. man). .............. II. 557. Munkhaljned, soorm eM) ( prIeIt.t y3 8o6r. Mdsch-vogel, a bird 213. 335. Musehsiin, deBr aacphraopni n pIeIt.t i4c6o5a.t ,5 6o3r. Museum at Cape Town, proposed.
British (see also Britis2h4).: fporretsye-nthterde et ol airtg bey qthuea daruutpheodrs. 383. ------t-h-i-s- -p--r-e-s-etnht eh maso bdeee nin t rwehaitcehd, sainodn etdh eb yir irte pa.r.a..b..l.e.. .lo s1s1 o.3c3c6a.
Music at Cape Town.............. 21. thea Gt aar iHepo t.e..n.t.o..t. .k..r aIaIl. n8,e a9r. at Graaffreyndt.... II. 149,
■ and dancing: remarks 1o5n0.. II. 413. Hottentot... 500. II. 287.
Bushman. 596, 437. 458. II. 66. 87. Bachapin. II. 410.438.598. ■ ducEedu raotp Leaitna kauirns firstI Ii.n 4t3ro7.
Musitceanl tointss tarnudm Benutssh mofe nth..e.. H45o8t.
II. 65. 287. MMftiittssi-,v oogr eMl, fai tbsuir d(s e.e.. o2 M14d. o5ts5i5).. Mutton constitutes the chiIeIf. f5o2o2d. iCno lmonayn y pa rts o2f4 0th. eII . C1a1p3e. —G—ra aafnfdre ybne«e£ft: th e p riceI Io. f1; 4a6t.
Muubo, or Bichuana bellows, described
II. 483.
Mynheer (Sir) corruptions o f the
word ............. 269. II. 436.
M yrtles: the great height they
attain near Cape Tow n... 22.
Naari (see also, Buffalo)... II. 250.
N a kii si uklwa. (I do not understand
you) ............ II. 436.
N a k le ri; a species o f Polecat. II. 592.
Namaquas, a tribe o f the H ottento
t R ace 77. 582.
■ ■ pronunciation o f the
w o rd .........* * ...............II. 303.
---------------- Land. 96.362. 579. 581. II. 200. 568.
duif (dove) ... 318.502.
■’ partridge, o r grouse.
265. 303.347. II. 345.
■ i ■ pyp-klip (pipe-stone).
Names of places in the C olony:
some remarks on them , and
th e mode in which the Dutch
names may be Anglicised, vi.
— —— o f places in Southern
Africa: tn e folly and vanity of
substituting European names
for those o f the aboriginal inhabitants
100. 286.
■ ■ ■■«—- o f places in Southern
A frica: necessity and apology
for the tem porary names riven
in this W ork to the author’s
Stations . 286. 557. 11.19.
———— o f C olonists: observations
respecting them .... 118.191. II. 126. 158.
■ a H ottentot custom of
gjving new ones to strangers. II. 89.
o f Bachapins, remarks on
them II. 375.
N applka mountain .......... II. 27.
Narrative of these Travels, written
on the principle o f adherence
to the original Journal, vii. II. 304.
N atu re: the works o f; considered,
viii. 226.265.288. 504. 11.328.
N aturalized plants.... 31. 37. 340. II. 226. 280.
N atural History. See Collections.
'Nch<5 Jam haan; a range of mountains
so called II. 300.
Necklaces o f the Bachapins. II. 567.
■ — ■ made o f twisted entrails. II. 209.
Needles o f the Bachapins. II. 576.
N egro Race, compared with the
Caffre R ace ................ 582.
N^k-strop, a part o f th e harness
o f oxen 151.
New-Holland, its botanical affinity
to the Cape ............. 182.
N ew land: the D istrict of. See
Newlands, near Cape Town, the
country-seat o f the governor.
New Year’s Fountain. SeeN ieuw - i’&ars.
larra (No, S ir ) II. 322.
Niewejaars F o n te in ......... II. 186.
Niefiwkerk’s .......... II. 1 1 8 .121.
Niefiwlands. See Newlands.
Niefiwveld, a division o f the Cape
C o lo n y ............... 256. 272.
i . Mountains ......... 581.
■ ■ — . a Bushman in the
author’s service, from Klaarwater
to Graaffreyn& ... 533.
552. II. 219S
N ightingale: an African species of.
’N kw i, o r N kwani, a spotted animal
resembling th e LeoparIdI.. 326.
Nokannfin, the original tow n of
the Bachapins... II. 491. 5 12.
Noomnoom, seeN um num .
Nuakketsies, one o f th e Bichuana
nations, (see also Makkaba,
and M elitta)............ II. 532.
------------------remarks on the word. II. 276.319.
------------------ attacked by Jan Bloem. II. 249.
——— —— reported flight o f their
chief. ............... II. 304.
------------------ Bachapin reports respecting
th em .......... II. 319.
------------ visited by Bachapin
traders............................. II. 439.
1 -------- their corn-sieves. II. 455.
— — — a conjecture respecting
th e botany of their country
.............................. II. 475.
------------ — Mattivi’s political
hatred against them . II. 475,
:-------- send spies to Litakun. II. 489.
— — a description o f the
hats manufactured by them. II. 507.
------------------the first visit to this
trib e ....;« * ,............... II. 537.
— — a proof o f their skill
in th e art o f working in iron. II. 597.
N uenjanni-chukuru, (Rhinocerosb
ird )......................... II. 346.
■mulaapo, a remarkable
bird ................... II. 492.
N ugariep,orN (i-G ariep, the largest
branch o f the river Gan£p,
(see also Black River, and
Z w art Rivier,) its branches and
sources ...............,.* 3 1 9 ,3 2 0 .
—— first arrival at i t ... 389.
Nugariep in a state o f inundation.
-------------- remarks on its names.
391. II. 43.114.
-------------- first explored by the
author 436.
forms the eastern boundary
o f the Cisgariepine. 581.
■■■■■■ observations relative to
i t.. .... II. 123. 126,127. 541.
N um eration; how performed by
the Bachapins II. 559.
N um num , a thorny shrub, the
berries o f which are . sometimes
eaten by the H ottentots.
Nusakwa, a tribe o f Bushmen.
ir. 331.
Nysna lily (Cyrtanthus obliquus).
Oak trees o f Europe thrive in the
Cape Colony 25. 35. 102.
------------------------------attain a large
size 144.
Observations: astronomical, (see
also Astronomical) ...:.. 204.
O belisk: one in the Cisgariepine,
formed by N atu re if. 44.
0£ffning, or Religious Meeting. II. 1 74.
Official papers. See Papers.
O ketsa (add m o re )............ II. 508.
’01ifants-v6gel (Elephants’ bird).
Olive-tree o f Southern Africa. 177.
r 343. 473. 538. II. 307.
Olyf-boom, (see Olive tree)... 177.
Oly venhout-bosch: accident at.
Onder-schout, (Under-sheriff,). II. 163,
'O n derstel; a part o f a Cape
waggon.*««......................... 150.
'Onder-veld; a colonial term . 88.
"Ongeluks F o n te in 351. 360. II. 237. 247.
rivier ....... 220.
O nion: an eatable species found
wild ............................ 296.
O pal 334.
Ophiology: improvements in. 473.
Ophthalmia, in the Transgariepine
re g io n s....,:...... 370. II, 580.
Optical lake ............ II. 28.
Orange tre e s II. 145.
R iver, o r O ranje Rivier,
(see more properly, the Gariep).
O rgan; atG raaffreynlt. 11.149,150
Organized m atter ........... II. 327.
O riole 464. 502.
Ornithological collection...... viii. II. 491.502.
Ornithology o f Klaarwater ... 501.
Orthography o f D utch words, vi.
15. 84, 85. 331.