K ava; see, Kaava, or Kdba. Kavaklusi (Tail o f the Klusi). II.
412. Keen: see Kirri ................ 354. Kees, see Muchunka.
Kdevit (Peevit), or, Plover. 344.
II. 346.
Keisikamma R iv e r ........ 387.
Kerk-straat Kdrstenboscaht, nTeualrb Cagaphe Town.1 29. 68.
KKeeststrie(bl,a ag s)p eocfi etsh oef hBawackh.a 3p3ln8s. .5 0I2I.. 5-78.
Keyser, one o f the H ottentots who
accompanied the author. II.
and Stuurm an, suspected of
being spies .............. 11. 201.
----------------------their sufferings
from th irs t......... II. 205.
his anecdotes o f Bushmen.
p i 3 3 1 .
— his desertion. II. 380. 583. Khaaskcdri, bead s.p.e..c.i.e.s.. .o..f IIM. 4an2i3s.; 4d4e0.
Khdlu'i; a species o f weasel. 11.592.
KMama. See Kaama.
Khamiesberg; see Kamiesberg.
K huru, or Bachapln cap ... II. 571.
Kibbukiili, the wife o f Mattlvi, and
m other o f Massisan. 11.486.
Kings, Queens, Princes, &c. o f the
Bichudna trib es II. 368.
K irri ........i.... 554. 491. II. 198. Kite: a species o f ... ....i........ 502.
K laarfontein; see Klaarwater, 271.
Klaarkwamatmera, ,K ala aHrfoonttteenint,o ot r vKilalargrie- aTnradn Msgiasrsiieopnianrey. .S..t a4t9io. n6 4i.n 1 t5h4e.
248. 329. 349. 352. 359. 389.
391. 398. 482. 501. II. 2. 222.
258. 239. 243. 365. 466. 541.
Kldatalakumo, a Bachapin cattle-
sta tio n ...................... 11.341.
Klagt H ottentotten (Complaining
H o ttento ts) ...... II. 159. Kleine Tdfelberg (Little Table- mountain). II. 117. 124. 183.
Klibbolikhonm, a copious fountain,
the source o f the Krdman
River. II. 293. 299. 352. 421.
--------------------- L ittle II. 293.
Klip Fontein (Rock Fountain) in
the country o f the Bushmen.
Fontein, of the Kdra2 c9o3u, n2t9ry4.. II. 261.
Kloof, signification o f the word. 16.
near Cape Town ....... 15. KloofCs, or oMoulnotain-npassyes 8o8f. t8h9e.
K loof Village,in the Asbestos Mountains
...3 28.541 . 545. II. 217. Kiowa, or whey, of the Bachapins. II. 593. Klusi, a species o f jackal... II. 412.
Kndpzak (Knapsack): Colonial application
o f the name .... 483.
Knegt: Slagter’s .......... 201.
Knegt’s Fountain II. 269.
Knife: Bichudna, or Bachapln. 491.
II. 575.
sheaths o f th e Bachapins.
II. 596.
Kndflook: Wilde, (W ild Garlic);
its changeable o d o r 466.
Knoflooks K ra a l.............................93.
Knorhaan, see, K6rhaan or Koor-
Kobo, or cloak worn by the Bachapins.
II. 318. 350. 582. 392.
412. 570. 591.
Koedoe. Sec, Kdodoo, and Kddu.
Kdeberg (Cow-Mountain). 25.44.
Kdgeltas (Bullet-pouch). 167. II.
246. 286.
Koias, a trib e .........................®I| 532.
Kok, a family o f H alf-Hottentots,
Adam, a captain o f the M ixed,
or Half-Hottentots, or Bas-
taards, living at Klaarwater.
551. 565. 381. 385. 433. 468.
517. 524. II. 227. 275.
C u p id o II. 224. 466.
Ja n ; a H ottentot who accompanied
th e author from
Cape Town to Klaarwater.
155, 156. 329.
a H alf-H ottentot and
Missionary. 431. II. 264. 537.
Kraal, on the Gariep. 362.
II. 223.
K6ker-boom, or Q uiver-tree (Aloe
dichotom a).., 24. II. 199.
Kdkman’s K lo of .................89.
Kokdon, or Kokdong. See Ko-
Kokun, or Kokung; an animal
allied to th e Gnu. II .278. 301.
315. 332. 568. 592.
Kombdars; or, Vel-komb&ars (Skin-
coverlet).... 360. II. 175. 235.
Kommeddkka, a botanical parallel.
K dodoo; K udu; or, Kdedoe, a species
o f Antelope. 337. 374.
380. II. 592.
Kool-saldade, a Colonial dish. _ 190.
Kdorhaan, or K drhaan: a species of
b u sta rd ............ 186.
o f the K a rrd ........... 233.
Koras: their language. 201.11.251.
their general character. 388. less civilized thaInI. 2th1e3 . H59o9t.
-— t etnhteoirts k .r.a..a.l.s.,. .o..r. ..v..il.l ages. 356318.. II. 5. 10. 204. aonncee of their law..s. .o..f.. inh5e7ri 3t,
cdapestacirnipst, ioonr cohife oftnaein so.f.. -. t4h9e0ir. —— first met with at Gattikamma. 344. •c oaslotounriesdh mdernawt ionfg soomf ea, aftis ha. 441. • a Lniutamkeurnou s p.a..r.t.y.. .a.r IrIiv. e4s8 a6t. Koracnoar, eocrtl yK, oKrddarnad, eor r( mKodrrea qcuoar)-. 345. Kdrhaan .............1 86. Kdri, a new species of Bustard. 393. Kosas; or Caffres Proper. 77. 268.
582. Kosi: meaning of the word. II. 272.
— or Bachapln chieftain. 11.364.
392. 488. Kosieosf; thoeri rc phoiewfteairn..s..:. .t..h..eI In. a3t4u8r.e destchriebier dd wellingsI Ia. t4 L4i1t.d k5u1n4,. Kdsi Fountain........................II. 271.
kHdibllos;.. o..r.. B...a..c..h...a..p..l..n.. .f..u.r -1c1lo.2a8k9.. II. 350. 592. Kotdkwi; a species of weasel. II. 592. Kdveh, a kind ofhassagay. II. 597. Kdwsbayk wwha;i coh r,s oKmdes aoquf at;h ea Bnaumshe
Kdwmsaekny kawrea ;d isotirn gKuiasshaekdy.q 1u1a..3 3I1I.. 331. Kraai: Witte (White Crow). 338.
502. CWroiwtte)- hals (White-necked Kraaikop, a Bushman captain.5 0I1I.. 85.190. Kraal.... 11.85* 86. 188.
Kdorn-vreeter (Com-eater), a bird
resembling the domestic sparrow
............... 246. 259. 11.91.
Koosi K oosi! .......................II. 332.
K op: signification o f the word.
K dperberg; or, Kdperbergen (Cop-
per-Mountains). 581. II. 568.
Kdpjes F o n td in .......................... 285.
K dras; or, Kordnas; o r Kdraquas,
one o f the tribes of the H otten
tot race .......... 345. 582.
their country defined. 546-
K raal: the proper signification of
the word ............ 227.
Kraals, or villages, o f the H ottentots
....... 324. 334. 336. 360.
—----------- .. —-------------— Kdras.
538. II. 5. 10. 204.
■■ ■ — Bushmen.
429. II. 16. 55. 86. 189.
— o r Cattle-pounds. 118.360.
407. II. 290. 464.
Kramori, a Bachapin chieftain. II.
441. 444. 509.
Krdanvogel: G roote blaauwe
(Great blue Crane) 502.
K redpel-boom .............................. 25.
Krieger (or, Krdger): Jacob, a colonist
who accompanied an unfortunate
expedition to explore
the Interior. 50. 201. II. 305.
Krieger (or Krdger) : Carel ; tram pled
to death by an elephant,
201. 301.
Krieger’s Grave; a place in the
Cisgariepine ... 300. 497, 498.
" Fontein, a place behind
the Snow M ountains. II. l lf f i
Kruger : see, Krieger.
Krdman . river. II. 293. 299. 306.
Kruman ; the Bachapin Capital in
1802 and 1820.......... II. 512.
K ddu; see, Kdodoo.
Kdikendief, or K ite 501. 502.
Kdilenberg, in the Middle Rogge-
veld ......... 259.
Kukumakrdnki, a scented fruit. 54.
Kdyer, a Colonial w ord in frequent
use 329.
Kwdkka ; or, Qudkka.
Kwdkka F o u n tain...................... 277.
Kwikstaart, or Wagtail ... 30. 501.
Kygariep, a branch of the river
Gariep. ... 319. 391. 401.427.
428. 447. II. 332.
K/si-gat (Kysi-pit) or pitfall for
catching wild animals. 386.
Kysikamma River •••••••••••.••• 387.
Laburnum : a tree compared with
it ......... II. 146.
L ak e: a periodical ....... 307.
O ptical; described ... II. 28.
Ldnddrost: the nature o f his office.
Landed property: .state o f; among
the B achapins II. 514.
Landscape scenery: a peculiar kind
o f ........ 288. II. 272. 527.
Langberg (Long M ountain); an
elevated district in the Transgariepine
...3 7 0. 376. 510. II. 236. 238.241.
Lange Kloof (Long-Pass) 581.
Language o f the H ottentots Proper.
337, 338. 345.
■ ■ - ■ Bushmen ... 345.
407. 581.
-—*— ■■■-■■ Kdra Hottentots.
345. II. 253.
■-------------- Bichudnas, called
by them, the Sichudna. II. 293.
303. 581— 585.
Ldngwagen, a part o f a Cape waggon
......................... 150. 256.
L a rk ; o f the Cape ............. 502.
Laws and mode o f trial in the Cape
C o lo ny ..........................78.162.
———o f the Bachapins. 543. 544,
Leaf: a singular kind o f ...... 536.
V O L . II.
Leanmmaann ,c aa pntaamine a gnidv ehni st oso an .B Susehe-, | LearnMinagg,e ram dainsp.lay of, by Mr. Bar
row ..t..h..e... ..M. ee st7e2r.. ............. ■■.......—— Wdntro1u9w9.. Leather of sheep-skin; its u3s8e4s.. the manner of prepa2ri4n3g. it among the Bichudnas. II. Lee kl roki 59I0I., 591. — — muchuko (Give me tobac4c0o9).. Le’er, a part of a waggon ..I.I... 413469.. LLde’eeurw-beo Foomnt..e..i..n.. ...(..L...i.o. 1n4s 9F. oIuI.n t3a1in8). Ldeuiwn etnhheo fC, isgaa rvieipllian en. e2a8r 7.C 2a8p9e. LdeuTwoewnkno..p.. ......... ......... ..... 10107.. Ldeuiwne ntkhuei l (TLriaonnssg Dareienp),i nae. p5la5c9e.
Leg plaats, or Cattle-p. la.c3e6 1o. f4 t9h1e. Lekdcaoklao,n oisrt esa. r-2p0l7a.t e,oIfI .t h1e0 0B. a1c2h7a.
Lekaptainnsi, or W ateIIr.m 3e9l2o:n 5.-6I7I.. 558772.. Lekhdpu, a sort of Watermelon. Lekdkko (Fiscal-bird, or B■uHtci h58e7r.
bird) II. 345. LLeenmso, nos r L.i.n7c8h.p 1in9 4.o 2f 48th. eI I. C1a4p5e. Leopwaardgg; oonrs ,T digeesrc,r oibf ethde.. c..o.l.o. n1is4t9s.. • or■ L: u_ip ar1d6,. o 1f8 t.h eI Ic. o1lo4n4-. is ts ....... ........ II. 326.
Leprosy. 101. 275. 276. II. 580.
Lepdtzi, or pumpkin ....... II. 587.
Lërdmo. See, Rdmo.
Leshudtze, a sort o f Watermelon.
II. 587.
Ldtdian, or th e Armed Plover. II.
L etter: the first from Litdkun to
England ........ II. 478.
Letterbag, broken open by a H otten
to t ...1........... 266.
La Vaillant. 66. 214. 578. 579. II.
252. 559.
Levee o f K dras 344.
Li, a Sichuana prefix ...... II. 308.
Liberty, in the wilds o f Africa. 515.
422. II. 37.
Lichdaku, o r Bichuana sandals. II.
Lichdkd; or, Reed-pipe. 11. 410.
Lichens, rarely found m the Interior
regions 394.
Lichtenstein: D r. 12. 578, 579. II.
— See page 2 appended
to Vol. I. 4 M
Lichtenstein : D r.; exposes the nu-
‘ merous errors and misrepresentations
o f “ Barrow’s T ravels.”
........... 346.
Lichds ; an eatable root. II. 589.
Lidsbecks river 35. 51. 54.
Life, modified under different forms.
II. 327,
Lightning, confuses the caravan.
---------------o f Southern Africa, described
........ 369.
Ligter, o f the Cape waggons, described
Likhdai, or Cattle-pound. II. 373.
Lime, made from shells 71
Limestone Rock. 283. 359, 360.
398. IL 260. 311. 354.
Linong, a kind o f vulture II. 329.
L io n: a tame one 67.
. footmarks o f this animal first
observed ........... 286. — one shot near Lion Fountain.
his titles disputed. 287. 289. II. 192. the caravan obstructed by one ....... 306. mGarekrst oafla ormnee do na tth et hbea nkfoso otf
the Kygariep.................. 409. ntihgeh tp:a rstyy mdipsttoumrbse do fb yh oisn ea pat
hprimoa caht ;a adnisdt amnocdee of keep4i5n0g. and their prey. II. 82,83.193.. —— one of a black varietIyI,. s1h9o1t. —— the pale, or common IvIa. ri1e9ty2.. atnhde i tsd arnogareirnogu ms visitsaikt eonf f oorn aen; earthquake »>.,.... II. 206. F-Doeunn,t aai np l ac.e.. .s.o.. .c..a2ll8e7d.. 248991.. Mountain, at Cape Town. ——— Head, a mountain a4t, 5C. a1p4e. -----T--o wn. 3. 5.16. 41o.4n3e. 5r8e.s1e0m0.
bling it, near the Asbestos Mountains .......... 342. ---—--—-- --R-u--m--p-- M---o--u-n--ta--inth e . F..a..l.s.e.. .230.. Liquroerm Aemdym oangiaaien:s ti ttsh ee ffbeicttes oasf aa Liseeskear,p oern cto..p...p..e..r.. b...r..a..c..e...l e3t 9I2I..5 54617.,
Lishudna (snuff) II. 568. Litdakoon; or, Let3a2rk1o. o4n0.7 .4S3e6e. | LitakLuinta:k .u.n. .49,50. 576. 485. 564. its situation iInI. t3h0e3 . y60e9ar.
180r1e m ar.k..s.. ..o...n.. ...t.h. e wo rd3 0I5I..
307. 512.