Umbellifera ......... 394.
U ncaria,B .iii..-...;i.................... 536.
procumbens,B... 536, 537.
U niola 400. 549.
U pupa E p o p s 394. 504.
.. ii — purpu rea,B ....... 326. 464.
II; 346.
U rania speciosa ....... II. 259.
Uropetalum, B 544. 548, 549.
• — glaucum, B 548.
U rtica u ren s............... .............. 340.
V ah lia ¿ .¿ .a ..:ii: 400. 417.
Vangueria infausta,B. II. 258. 451.
V erbena.... ............. 298. 541.
officinalis. 37.
V eronica ............... 426.
Veronica Anagallis.......... scutefiata ... ..3..4..0.... .I..I. 226. 426. VVeilslpaersritail;i o,v Lidien .M...e..n..y..a..n.t..h..eImI.. 25476..
Vinca r o s e a ............... 23.
Vipera inflata,B V. 469:. Virgilia Capensis...................... 23. V—i—sc—um— C ' a■ pens,e v ar .B. ....1.4 3. 124173..
— rotundifolium 181;
V iv erra......................................... 343.
II. 592. Vultur auricularis 377. 501. occipitalis,B II. 329. — Percnopterus. .336. 338. 474.
501. II. 194.
pileatus,B... II. 195.
W achendorfia hirsuta 19.
Watsonia alopecuroïdes 15.
Watsonia plantaginea..
-_ spicata... W ein manina trifoliata 143.
Xeranthemum .
■ (Helichrysum) canes-
Z .
Z anichellia.................. II. 241.
Zizyphus bubalinus 317. 11.20.29.
Zygophyllum... 225. 289. 294. 300.
■ 8essilifolium...... 19.
■The pages o f the second volume are distinguished by a preceding II. : all thé rest refer to the Jirst
volume. The pronunciation o f the foreign words, is marked by a (' ) or a (-) over the
accented syllable.
A a k aap 328. 342. 361. 538. II.3.
Aardvark .......... 342. II. 97. 424.
Aas-vogel 377. 501.
Aborigines o f Southern Africa, distinguished...................
:.____ _ —:----- conclusions
drawn from their present
mode o f d ress............. ll. 373.
Abrams: Abram, a H ottentot. II.
225, 228.
:-----------Hendrik, a H ottentot. 499.
516. II. 219.
Acacia, of the Cape, its Colonial
names ............ 195.
_________________ — representations
of it ..... 189. 228. 325.
■ other species
closely resembling it. II.
w ith the Camelthorn. II. 240.
— bark, used in tanning. 243.
used for cord 405.
—grove o f ......... 324.
:____ a beautiful species of. 336.
a new and remarkable spe
cies uosfe fu l f or enclo••s•u••r•e s5 f?o9r.
c attle.... ................ 407-
produces Gum-Arabic. 429.
nowhere seen growing in
the C isgariepine 11.211.
■ ■ - a new species, in Serra-
kutu’s m o o tsi......... II. 464.
- different species growing
near Litakun II. 526.
Accident F o untain .............. II. 237.
________ R iver ................ 220.
A chter-ryders: their.....office explained
.... II. 132.
Achter-Sneeuwberg...............II. 113.
Adam, a~ Bachapin : his history.
II. 371, 372. 402. 406.
Airier • thp. Puff: described.
Africa and Europe, contrasted.
. 495, 496.
African and the European, contrasted
....... II. 443.
Africa, Southern, its western coast.
A fricanders, or A frikaners; colonial
signification o f the
w o rd .................... 21.
Afric&ander, a H ottentot freebooter:
some account o f him .... 270.
------------------robs a H ottentot kraal.
------------ reports respecting him,
intimidate the author’s H ottentots
................... 525. 534.
-------------remark on the name.
II. 376.
- six o f his men murdered
by the Caffres. II. 543. Agates ......;yv.v|§&.. II. 213; Agrictauilntusr e.. .a..t. .t..h..e.. .A..s..b..e.s..t.o..s M o3u3n6.
- aa t Kcolauanrtwrya tecra .p..a.b.l e3 6o5f.. II. 36. 42. -----------of the Bachapihs. II. 306.
525. 586. Agter-stel ........ 150. AAkgkteur'i: bsoene,! A(Lcehtt emr.e see). II. 463. Albany: district of ...... 75. 580. AAllgkoalai ,B faory .m....a..k..i..n..g... ..s.o IaIp. : 5h1o1.w 5 o4b0.
tained by the Colonists. 419. ——b vitoel aotfi lsen:a kietss u se agaiInIs.t 1t3h0e. Alkaline water II. 19. 21. AAlllmuvainaal csko:i l a.. .H...o..t..t.e..n..t.o..t. ..m...o.d e4 67o.f making one . II. 243. Almond 80. II. 280. the Indian .............. 400. Aloe: the great American ... 15.
Aloë, called T ô k w i II. 332«
Alder, o f the Colony ........... 142
Alsem: W ild e 480.
Amandels : W ilde (Brabeium stel*
latifolium). .......... 37
Ammonia : an instance o f its effi
cacy against the bite o f a ser
pent ........................ 392. 541
Ammunition purloined ... II. 242.
Am ulet: description o f one worn
by th e Bacnapins II. 350.
Amygdaloid ........................II. 213.
Amygdaloidal greenstone. II. 213.
Anderson, Mr. : a missionary. 49.
64. 351. II. 223. 231. 243.
Andries, a H ottentot o f the author’s
party. II. 166. 235. 330. 379.
385. 422. 457.
Animal m atter : its mutations. II.
■ a new species o f .. 4 K f
Animtaamls;i nwg itlhde: mth..e.. ..p..o..s.s..i.b.i..li ty4 87o.f Animated nature : a picture of. II. Antsv: eray tbrloauckb lesspoecmiees o..f. t h4e2m5,.328. Ant-hAilnlst,; danesdc raib eldar ge ...s..p..e.c......ie s4 4o8f. Anteater..............Antelopes-: -nature 342.of the 448.meat II. 97. of. 187.
Antelope : new species o f; de■
scribetdh e cres centI-Ih,o 2m7e7d. .3 0I2I.. AAnpyro s-nW ofo rthteel (BAanchisaep-irno owto)354. 573. me n.2 3I2I.. ArchBiteicchtuurâen,a os f t h e B aIcIh.a3p0in5s.,5 563. a1n7d. AArricdtiutyru so..f...t.h...e....a.t heIrIe. m5o5s5p. 33i0ts.1 .. —effects abl eo ft os ohiel ........... aalntdh climate,. : 282. favor...
275. II. 580.