R aft: mode o f constructingn o.nlle.. Rail ....... 502.
Rains o f the Cape Colony. 81.197.
' on G reen P o in t 153.
in th e Karr6. 215. 240. 248.
o f the Transgariepine. 369.
495. 515,516.
—— unpleasant to the Bachapins.
II. 558.
—— a season o f rejoicing among
the Bachapins ......... II. 599.
worm ....... 449.
Redbeak (Roodebekje). See also
A strild......... 266. II. 41.91.
Redbuck. (See also Roodebok, and
P&alaj’ II. 301.
R edleaf (Roodelriat) a tree found
on the banks o f th e Gariep.
400.404. 425.
Redness o f the soil, remarkable.
304. 308. II. 266. 442. 513.
R & bok ....... II. 23.
Vaal ................. 11.302.
R eed: the African species o f (see
also Riet). 296. II. 199. 271.
employed in a simile. 11.491.
—— indicate a spring o f wn.a2te9r.. Broom. (B& em -riet)... 124.
called ‘ Spanish’ by the
Colonists... 105. 185. II. 172.
— — T h atch in g .............................25.
Fountain in th e Transgariepine
(see also Aakaap) ... 342.
■ -pipe o f the Bachapins (see
also Lichfiaka) II. 410.
— River, in the Rdggeveld.
261.264. II. 310.
—— river Pass.................. 263 .266.
Sparrow ......... 440. II. 91. j
■ S tatio n...........................II. 80.
Refraction: atmospheric. 101.333.
R£genwerm (Rain-w orm ).... 449.
Religion o f the Bachapins. II. 543.
550. 552.
R 6nschoen (Skid, or Lock-shoe).
Republican form o f governm ent:
its natural origin. II. 546—
Resin-bush ....... 259.
Rhendster, o r R hinoster. See Rhinoceros.
R henosterberg....................... 581.
Rhendster-bosch (see also Rhinoceros
bush) ........ 101,102.
R hendster P o o rt... II. 91.93. 187.
-------------- R iv ie r........ 259.
------------— vogel .,..i .... ...... 245.
R hinoceros: its hide converted
into Shamboks o r whips. 86. —----------------one shot by a Bushman
....................................II. 41.
--------------- h u n t II. 52.
■ ■ — the first shot... II. 69.
■ . ------—7- m ode of hunting it.
II. 72.
R hinoceros: nature o f its hide.
II. 73.
■ m eat. 11.74.
........ - its measures ... II. 75.
• --------— a new species discovered
....................... II. 75.
................... remarks on its horn.
II. 76.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ rarely to be seen within
the boundary o f the Cape
Colony.................... II. 126.
means by which a
H ottentot escaped being killed
by o n e .............................H . 579.
------------------bush (see also Rhendster
bosch) ....... 176. 255.
II. 126.
------------------ Mountains. See R hendsterberg.
• —t—. Pass. See Rhendster
■1 1 — River. See Rhendster
R h u s: none browsed upon by the
wild animals................ II. 248.
Rice, grown in the C olony... 80.
n . 393.
Riebeck, . the founder o f Cape
T o w n ................. 77.
K astdel; a mountain so
called .......... .25.44. 130.
Riem, or leathern halter. 151. 450.
II. 250.
R ie t: Dak. See R eed: Thatching.
—— Bdzem. See R eed: Broom.
Spansche. SeeR eed:’ Spanish.
■ fo n tein , in the Transgariepine.
See 'Aakaap.
• R ivier (Reed R iv er).... 261.
rivier’s P o o rt 263. 266.
Rifle-gun. 164. 273. II. 224. 235.
Riizo (Rdezo) a friendly Bushman
who accompanied the author
from the G ariep to the borders
o f the Cape Colony.
- — his kraal, described.... II. 16.
—■— his dance ........ . II. 87.
his character ........ II. 101.
—— returns to his kraal. II. 108.
second meeting with him.
II. 196.
Rivers o f the C olony: the principal
....... 126.
o f the C olony: a remarkable
difference observed in
the color o f their waters. 89.
—— r— fatal accidents occasioned
by their suddenly overflowing
tneir banks ....... 178,179.
Periodical. 215.216. II. 18.
— the paucity of; in the Cis-
gariepine......... 261. II. 299.
o f Southern Africa: a remarkable
circumstance observed
with respect to their
fishes ............ 425.
Rivers :, some .which run .to the
W estern, and others to the
Southern Coast, have their
sources in the Snow Mountain
s............................. II. 125.
■ the means used by the
H ottentots and Bushmen, for
crossing th e m 416. II. 13.
River-Horse, (see also Hippopotamus,
and Zéekoe or Sea-
Cow) : first sight o f its footmarks
........... 317.
■ rem ark respecting
the .propriety o f its names.
R ix-dollar: its value in English
money, in the year 1810. 79.
--------------in the year 1825.
II. 540.
Roads over the m ountains... 130.
. '• ■ o f the K a rró ................... 211.
1------o f the Róggeveld........... 257.
— — o f the C olony 256. 455.
o f the Bachapins .... II. 306.
Róbben (Seal) Island, in Table
B a y ........................ ..... 6. 44.
R ocks o f the Colony ....... 29.
m. sonorous 277. II. 43.
having a black and shining
surface ..................... II. 43.
—;— o f recent formation on banks
o f the Gariep ......... 398.
—— Fountain, in the Cisgariepine.
1--------------------- in the Transgariepine
..................... II. 261.
Roebuck (Réebok) II. 23.
' Fallow (Vaal Rdebok).
II. 302.
Róggeveld (Ryeland, or Rye-country),
an elevated district of
th e Cape Colony .... 81.207.
254, 255. 306. 346. 527.
— ——— Middel (Middle)... 256.
-------------------------the mountain of.
207. 232. 246. 249, 250. 466.
558. 581. II. 211.
difficulty and danger
in ascending the Mountain
in w et w eather. 251.255,
--------------- O nder (Farther)... 579
Roki .............. II. 409
Rondebosch, near Cape Town
55. 59
-------------------a list o f plants grow
ing in the vicinity o f 57
Roode. This word, which signifies
* R ed,’ is usually, in the
Cape Colony, spoken as an
Englishman would pronounce
Ro-ey, o r Rowey.
Roode-bdkje (Red-beak) 266.
II. 41.91.
R6odeblat (R ed-leaf)... 400. 404.
Rdodebloem (Red-bloom )...... 35.
Rdodebok (Iied-buck) see also
Paala ....... II. s o l.
Roode Elze (Red A ld er)...... 142.
Roode Hdogte (Red Heights). 86.
Kaffers (Red Caffres); see
also, Tammaka and Bat&m-
m aka ................... II. 225.
■ V alk: Kleine (Little R ed
Falcon)............................... 338.
Rdodezand: District of. 125. 581.
Roodezand’s Kloof (Redsand Pass).
136, 137. 181.
Roofs of houses at Cape Town. 71.
---------------------------Litakun. 11.519.
R oots: eatable wild. 51.232.417.
465. II. 316. 332. 589.
Ropes, or C o rd s: th e manner in
which they are manufactured
by the H ottentots............. 405.
R o ses................................. 25. II. 124.
Roye, or Royen. See Van Roye.
Rugged-Kloof........................ II. 109.
Reuter (Rdter), a H alf Bachapln in
the author’s service, from the
Asbestos Mountains to Graaff-
reyndt. 542. II. 3. 15. 89.219.
Rumo, or Hassagay II. 597.
Rushes o f which mats are made.
.114. 265. II. 125.
— — o f the island in the Gariep.
' II. 215.
Rtivter, a Bushman captain. 497.
R yksdlalder. See Rixaollar.
Ryeland. See Rdggeveld.
Sabbath: (see also, Sunday.) 11.430.
Sack River (Zak Rivier) forming
(in 1812.) part o f the northern
boundary of the Cape Colony.
261. 280. 361, 362. 560. 562.
564. 11.609.
S t. H elena: Island of........79. 545.
■ Bay, in the Cape Colony.
MW 131. 579.
St. Paul de L o ando 511, 512.
Saldanha Bay ............ 131.
S a lt: its scarcity and value in the
T ransgariepine......... II. 480.
lakes, or ponds. 399. II. 487.
— — -pan F o ra. ............ 399.
------------— Table-mountain ... 419.
River, near Cape Town. 51,
52. 100. 147. 170.
S&mbie, a Caffre chief: one o f his
brothers killed by th e Bushmen
....... 268.
Sandals, worn by the aboriginal
inhabitants 01 Southern Africa.
398. 459. II. 570.
S an d : clouds of; raised by a whirlw
in d................... 508.
Sands o f the Cape Isthmus : the
possibility of rendering them
firmer and more easily passable
for carriages................... 54.
Sand-Country. See Zdndveld.
Sand-Flats, near Cape Tow n (see
also Zand Vlakte, Isthmus,
and Downs) 51. 58. 84. 172.
V O L . I I .
Sandv Maluoalbel:e it.s.. .f.u.r.. .s.u.p..p..o.s.e.5d 6to, 5b7e. Sandstone: rIoI.c k1s0 0o.f .1 0239.3.1413:. 239544.. Saqutai,m oers Sgdivaeknw ato, at hnea mBeu s‘shommaen
Sat' elnliatetiso no f. ..J.u..p. iter , m64a.y IIb.e 5 3o1b.sSeoruvethde
rnin A frtihcea , wInitthe raio rs maolfl Schaatepldesrdcollpeetj e s: a. ..s.h..r ub, or t4r8ee4,. Schasaop ecnablelergd ...(..S..h..e.e..p..-.m..;o.u..n.t.a3in1).. Schaap-vel Kombaars 85. (Sheep-skin coverlet) its va'l ueII a. n1d7 5u.t i2li3ty5..
Schaap-wagter (Shepherd).'.... 236.
Schacapalwleadg.t ertje, a familiar bird, so Schilling, a denom i nation of C2o7lo0.
Scheennia, la ( Dpaurttc oh)f ma wonaegyg on.. . 17489.. Schiepti nFeo.n..t.e.i.n.., ..i.n.. .;th..e.. ..C...i.s g2ar9i6e-. -S-c--h-i-s-t-u-s-:- ---a-r-giPlloaocerto us (see 2a9ls8o. SchoColl aayt- Gslraataef)f.r..e.y..n..d..t. ........ . II. 12590.. SchuBrfddkekbeevrge,l da m ou.n..t.a..i n in 1t3h1e. Seacopwot a(mseue s,a alsnod ZRdivekero-eh,o rHseip) proe
marPko ornk th(Zed neakmoee Spek),4 1e2s.
teemHeodl eas de(lZicdaeckyo. e G att4e1n1).. -—-—— River (see also Zde2k6o3e. ■ Rivier). II. i1t1s 8.c1l2im5'.a 1te2 5.c1o2n7.
sidered to be one o f the coldest
in the C olony..'....» . II. 172.
Sea U n ico rn II. 77.
Seasons in the Cape Colony. 80,81.
Secretary’s office, a t Cape Town.
--------------o f D istrict'....«..... 185.
— ‘— ‘— b ird ................ 578.
Seldery F o n td in 267.
Sensavàn, a remarkable cavern in
the Transgariepine, where the
sibilo is found. 414. II. 255.
Seringe-boom (see Melia Azedirach)
................... 22.
Serpentine: a species o f; from
which tobacco pipes are made.
II. 311.525.
Serpents : an antidote against their
bite .......... 392.,
-------------- a new mode o f preserving
them ... 470, 471, 472. •
---------------their venom, an ingredient
in thè Bushman arrowpoison
............. 539, 540, 541.
■ ■ ■ their venom, sometimes
drunk by H ottentots, as a
4 N
preventive against their bite.
Serrakutu, uncle to the Chief o f
the Bachapins. II. 349. 561.
--------------a conversation with him.
s---------—- visit to him, to view his
wife's paintings II. 453.
Servants at Litakun ....... 11.521.
Settlers in Southern Africa. 78.
Sewing: the m anner in which it
is practised by the Bachapins.
II. 577.
Shallow-ford, on the G ariep. 321.
Shambok, a whip formed o f a strip
o f the hide of a Rhinoceros
o r Hippopotamus. 86,87- 411.
437.-----------------------------II. 78.
Sheep o f the Cape Colony. 238.325.
-------------- their rapid in
crease -------- II. 144. ■——— their price in the
Rdggeveld (in 181 1.)..... 239.
--------------------------their price in the
Snow Mountains (in 1815.) II.
--------------------------a flock returning
hom e from pasture ........ 242.
---------------------------their food. 257.
■■ ■ th e beauty and
value o f the fur o f lambs. II.
why preferred to Goats by
the H ottentots ......... II. 239.
o f the Bachapins. II. 524.
o f the Karrikarries, o f the
Namaquas, and o f the Dammaras
II. 558.
------------boor, o r Sheep-farmer. 240.
II. 175
skin coverlet. See, Schaapvel
S hepherd: H o tten to t 238.
bird 270.
Shining-Rock. See, Bllnk-klip, and
Shoes o f hide (Vel-schoen): their
nature, and t the mode of
making them ... 214. II. 102.
Show er: thunder. 3 1 4.337.4 49.
11.90. 111.
Shrike, (see also, Butcher-bird, and
Fiscal-bird) ................. 502.
Shumi, (ten) II. 559.
Sibbata, or Sibb&ata, th e Bachapin
Snuff-bag II. 561. 576.
Sibllo, or Sibiilo, a shining mineral
powder much used by various
South-African tribes for adorn-
their hair and body ...... 414.
II. 256. 318. 362, 392. 412.
484. 494.
Sichuana language: its extent and
u tility ................... II. 303. 548.
•----------------------------- m ode o f reducing
it to a w ritten form.
■ its orthography