wards sent me the enclosed written statement
of his transactions, together with my being
informed by Mr. Jorgensen himself that he
had been an apprentice on board an English
collier, served as a midshipman in the English
navy, then commanded the Admiral Juul
Danish privateer, which was captured by his
Majesty’s sloop Sappho, that he was not exchanged,
neither had he signed any parole of
honor as a prisoner of war, but was set at
liberty in London without any written documents
: all these circumstances considered, I
deemed it my duty to prevent his being left
alone on the islandat thehead of a government
of his own formation, and have consequently
taken those steps to obviate it, which to the
best of my opinion and that of my officers
would be right and most approved of by government.
Enclosed I send copies of my an-,
swer and order to Mr. Phelps, in consequence
of the before-mentioned statement, also every
other document in my power to obtain, hoping
they will give every information and expla-r
nation necessary on the subject. Not considering
myself authorised to interfere with
the imprisonment of Count Tramp, nor
thinking it would be proper under the present
circumstances to hoist the British colors
on the island without first informing you;
at the request of Mr. Phelps, I have restored
the former government to the two men next
in rank on the island to Count Tramp. In
order to secure the quick and safe delivery
of this intelligence, I have sent in the Margaret
and Anne Lieutenant Stewart of his
Majesty’s ship under my command, who is
acquainted with all the circumstances, and
charged with the delivery of the new Icelandic
flag to you.
I have the honor to be,
Sir, &c.,
A l e x a n d e r J o n e s .
Rear-Admiral Sir Edward Neagle,
Commander in Chief, &c.,&c,,&c.,
N° 9.
Between His Royal Danish Majesty's Counsellor o f State
and Chief Justice o f Iceland, and His Danish Majesty’s
Bailiff in the Western County o f the said Island on the