Einersen, Mr. Assessor, his seizure and imprisonment/
i. 89. and n . 35.
Epilobium frigidum, i. 318.
Etatsroed, visit to the, x. 2 7 6— description of his residence
at Inderholme, i. 277, 2 7 8— his literary
acquirements, i. 280—his botanical knowledge,
i. 290—his political address to the Icelanders,
,ii. 19. note his account of the volcanic eruption
of Skaptar-Jokul, ii. 1 2 1 .
Falcon, Icelandic, i. 3 3 5 .
Faxafiord, entrance of the bay of, i. 9 .
Fisheries in Iceland, how affected by the volcanic eruption
in 1783, n .2 1 9—Danish ordinances respecting,
i i . 353, 348. •
Fishes of Iceland, i. 3 3 4 .
Flax and Hemp,- bad success attending the cultivation
of, i. 30.
Floeo, the Norwegian, visits Iceland, i. xi.
Flora, of Iceland, n . 312.
Flora, the ship, arrival of, i. 224.
Fog, very dense one experienced, i. 216.
Forelles, a species of trout, i. 96.
Foxes, some particulars respecting, i. 50— their importance
as an article of commerce, i. 5 1 ,
Frydensberg, Mr., his seizure, n . 3 5 .
Fucus, esculent species of, i. 46.
Fucus palmatus, its use as an article of food in Scotland
and Iceland, i. 44—mode of preparing, among.the
Icelanders* i. 45.
) he saccharifera of Biarne
Povelsen, i. 45—described byGmelin, x. 45—remarkable
variety of, i. 7 9 ,
Pugle-sUeren, dangerous passage near, 1 . 8 . -
Gardens in Iceland, 1. 29—account of, by Horrebow,
I . 31, note.
Geitland-Jokul, 1. 299, 300, note.
Georgies o f Iceland, 1. 39.
Geysers, journey to the, 1. 90—first view of, 1 . 1 3 9 -
account of the great Geyser, 1. 141— fine eruption
of, 1. 144, 146—crater of, 1. 142, 149—the roaring
Geyser, 1 . 151—the new Geyser, magnificent eruption
of, 1 . 163, 179—crater of* 1 .167—plants found
in the vicinity of the Geysers, 1 . 152, 153, 154, 160,
161, 162, 1 7S—departure from the, 1 . 182.
Gilpin, Captain, his attack upon Iceland, 11. 1 0 .
Goats, 1 . 348.
Godar, 1 . xx.
Gravesend, departure from, 1 . l . \
Grimsaa, account o f the, 1. 301, note.
Groenavatn, a remarkable lake, 1 . 240.
Guldbringue Syssel, passage along the coast of, 1 . 9 .
Hamilton, Sir William, 11. 1 0 1 , note, 113, note.
HauJcardal, farm of, 1 . 1 7 1—church of, 1 . 1 7 3 , 1 7 5 -
plants found near, 1 . 1 7 8 ,
Havnfiord, j. 230.
Hecla, opinion of the common people respecting, 1 . 19 5 ,
I I . 1 10—account of, 11. 105.
Heiderbag, 1 . 9 4 .
Helgafel, mountains, 1 . 83, 234. note.
Hemp and Flax, bad success in the cultivation of, 1 . 30.
Hirundo urbica, domestica, and Apus, seen at sea, 1. 3 .
Holland, Dr., 1. 40. note, 1. xxix. lxxix.
Holme, Captain, seizure of his vessel, 11. 4 3 .
Holme, Mr. S. M., u. 169—his account of a fall of ashei
and sulphur, i i . 2 1 1 , note.