be), or, that you immediately restore the
former mode of government, giving the supreme
command to some of the most respectable
of the inhabitants of the island. I t was
indispensably necessary, and was your duty,
long since to have sent an account of your
proceedings to government, which I now
recommend you not to delay. I also recommend
your destroying the battery now erecting,
taking the guns off the island, and desisting
from training the inhabitants to arms,
which can only tend at present to their
disadvantage, they being still the subjects
of our enemies, therefore not liable to be
attacked by those, and may hereafter enable
them to turn against Great Britain. Nor
can I conceive from the statement you have
made of their attachment to you, that such
measures are at all necessary, either for the
safety of your person or property.—Having
thus, according to my duty, acquainted you
with my sentiments, and pointed out the
line of conduct that I conceive you, as a
British subject, ought to adopt, I shall not
interfere farther than by requesting to be
acquainted with your future intentions, for
the information of the right honorable the
lords commissioners of the admiralty. You
are wrong in supposing that I wish to cast
any stain upon your character, either as an
Englishman or a man of honor, nor can I
believe you would intentionally commit an
act which would reflect disgrace upon the
British government. I am also far from
doubting the word of Mr. Jorgensen, or from
throwing any reflections either on his former
situation, his character, or conduct; but his
not possessing any written document to certify
that he has permission from government
to be on this island, and his having appeared
in Havnfiord Bay, on board his Majesty’s
ship under my command, in the undress
uniform of a post captain, oblige me to insist
on his immediate return to Great Britain,
unless you can satisfy me you have permission
to bring him here.
I am, S ir,
Your most obedient and humble Servant,
A lex a n d er J ones,
Captain of His Majesty's Sloop, Talbot.
T o Samuel Phelps, Esq., English Merchant,
Reikevig, Iceland.