§ XV,
Premiums for I t is besides our will and plea- spjnnmg and r
weaving of sure, that (for the better encou- woollens and v
linens. ragement of the inhabitants to
attend, with all possible industry, to such
manufactory, a peculiar premium be appointed
for woollen goods made in Iceland,
from well-assorted wool, and of the finest
quality; and also previously, for the first
ten years, a premium of ^ 1 0 per cent, on
the value of the cotton, flax, and hemp-
yarn there spun by tale-reels. It is, however,
incumbent on those who apply for
such premiums for yarns, to produce the
needful custom-house attests on the quantities
so imported from Iceland into our
kingdoms and provinces, as likewise to make
attestation on oath, both of the value, and
also of its being actually spun in Iceland ;
on which point, however, we will not,
for the said space of ten years, prescribe
any fixed rule, neither with regard to the
fineness of the spinning, but leave the same
entirely to the agreement made between the
parties concerned, it being their joint interest
to have the yarn spun to the utmost
^peness that the quality of the wool will
permit. It is likewise our will that a suit^-
able premium be allowed, for the same space
of time, for weaving of coarse cloths and
linens, chiefly used in Iceland, in such wise,
that a premium of half a skilling per ell shall
be paid for every ell of coarse cloths and
linens; and one skilling for every ell of
finer cloths or . linens, whilst still in the
loom;, the persons concerned providing
themselves with an attest from a magisterial
person* and a clergyman, of the size
and quality of the piece. In like manner,
such persons as have particularly exerted
themselves in spinning and weaving, may
expect, that they, in case of their being
deficient of the necessary implements, will
be gratuitously supplied by us, in future, as
hitherto, with some Danish looms, spinning-
wheels, hasps, and cards, all according to
circumstances, and proposals to be made
by the magistrates.
§ XVI.
14 wiU likewise dePend ”P°n
bie pupils in circumstances, in how far the spmmilg and 7 .
weaving of institution which we have set woollens and
linens. ©n foot for causing young, and