should make it impracticable to furnish an
answer so soon; but in such case the reasons
for the delay must be communicated at the
bottom of the letter. Officers, not remaining
in office, cannot expect any assistance
from the present government, and other officers
will be appointed in their places.
7- None but natives can be members of
the legislative body, or represent the people
in their respective districts.
8. Iceland has its own flag.
9. Iceland shall be at peace with all nations,
and peace is to be established with Great Bril
tain, which will protect it.
10. Iceland shall be set in a state of defence.
11. All hospitals and schools shall be
established on a better footing than what they
have been hitherto.
12. All debts due to the former Danish
government, or the factors connected with
Danish mercantile houses, shall not be paid j
nor any money which there is a possibility
of remitting to Denmark. Every person so
indebted is exempt from paying the sums
due. But should any such debtor attempt
to pay any part thereof, at any time, he shall
be compelled to pay the whole amount to
the present government.
13. All kinds of grain shall by no means
be sold at exorbitant prices.
14. All Icelanders are exempted from one
half of their taxes till the 1st of July, 1810.
15. The inhabitants can proceed uninterruptedly
from place to place and trade
wherever and with whomsoever they please,
except Danish merchants not resident in
16. Till such time as the natives shall send
in their representatives, all public officers,
and persons >vho have money due from government,
may address me for the same, and
they shall be paid.
17. No man shall be judged or punished,
after the representatives are assembled, with