actually are good and sufficient or not, although
that the particular regulations hi-
therto prescribed may no longer be applicable,
§ X III.
Encouragements We having so much the
for improving th e . , ,
fabrication o f greater reason to expect that
woollen goods. ^ manufact upe Qf WOollen
goods will in future be improved, so that
the inhabitants of Iceland may hereafter
fabricate different kinds of woollen stuffs,
applicable to different uses, and which may
be brought to greater perfection, whenever
a better mode of spinning and weaving
shall become more general among them; we
should learn, with the most gracious satisfaction,
that any of our own subjects or
foreigners would use their endeavors to introduce
some or other kind of beneficial
manufactory, by which the great quantity
of wool grown there might be used with
profit for all our other states and dominions ;
in which case, the undertakers of such
establishments may expect having suitable
encouragement given them for providing
against the first attendant expences, or fop
promoting the sale of the articles manufactured.
The same shall also take place
with regard to the manufactory now established
at Reikevig (which it is our most
gracious intent to yield upon very reasonable
conditions, to such persons who may
therefore make application to our commissioners
for the managing of the Icelandic
commerce), as well as to several
other institutions of the like nature ; such
as providing the members of the workhouse
with work that is most suitable for
them, raising a dyer’s house and a stamp-
ing-mill in the north country, and whatever
other improvements may be made in
the woollen manufactory.
Concerning the Moreover such weavers of wool- encouragements.
]eij cloth and linen who are inclined
to establish themselves, in some trading
town in Iceland, may expect that suitable
encouragement will be granted them,
according to circumstances, for their establishment,
and for the prosecution of their
business ; and we therefore do, not only