acknowledged factor, except what is otherwise
mentioned in the last-cited four places,
viz. that they may trade to or with whatever
foreign place they will, cannot, if
meant to be out of the district, be otherwise
understood, than as merely applicable
to the special trade of the ships, which
shall have lain four weeks, without having
commenced any trade with the country;
either by having thrown up some sheds,
or by having there erected some building;
and they shall likewise be allowed to lie
and carry on trade, but only in the proper
trading towns, or in such out-ports as are
either permitted by the liberation of the
trade, or may hereafter be erected, with
the approbation of our chamber of taxes
and interest,—*
t o „ h e r d o f <*> That no man, who shall
twenty-third have established himself in any
April, 1793, t t
§ i and 2 . trading town, or in the district
belonging to it, and shall have taken his
burghership there, either personally, or by
his factor, shall establish any trade in any
other trading town, or in the district thereunto
appertaining, under the plea of having,
either by himself, or by his factor taken his
burghership at such place; or under the
pretext of the last-mentioned carrying on
trade there on his own account; and therefore
he shall be obliged (in case of the
magistracy finding his assertion of carrying
on trade there for his own account, to be
liable to suspicion), to make deposition
upon oath before the court, that all the
goods in which he means to trade, as well
import as export goods, are to him solely
belonging, and not to any person in any
other district.
s« r,k c .,d o f (c) That such persons, belongtwenty
third Denmark, Norway, or. the
April, 1 7 9 3 , ' © . . . .
1 , 2 , a n d 3 §§. provinces, who are inclined to
carry on a trade in the country, shall likewise
form an establishment in the trading
towns, raise buildings, and there take
burghership, or at least, so do by their
factor, who in such case shall keep his
house and office, and carry on trade, both
in winter and summer, without doing which,
he may not trade with any inland town,
excepting as a special trader, for the
space of four weeks; and consequently he
must not employ any other factor in his