stead, and have such a person made a
burgher, and still less shall he employ any
farmer in carrying on trade for him during
the winter.,
According whereto, all persons concerned
have to govern themselves.
Chamber o f Taxes and Interest, ls f Jane, 1792.
R e v e n t l o w . H o e .
H a n s e n . C o l b io r n s e n .
K.o l l e . S c h io n n in g . H a n s e n . W o rm s -
k io l d . B u d t . M . v o n E s s e n . M a n k e .
H a m e l e f f . J o h a n s e n . V o r n d r a n . W a d r in .
G u n d e l a c h .
23rd April, 1793.
Whereby sundry passages in the Placard o f th e ’1st o f
June, 1792, are more particularly explained, fo r prevention
o f the establishment o f any prohibited trade in
Iceland, and o f other misuses in trade, which have
there taken place.
We, his royal majesty’s, the king of
Denmark and Norway, &c., &c., appointed
president, deputies, and assessors in the
chamber of taxes and interest, do herewith
certify, that his royal majesty having, by
his resolution of date the thirtieth of May
last year, which was made public by the
chamber of taxes, &c., in a placard of the
first of June next following, been graciously
pleased to give a more full explanation concerning
some passages, both in the ordinance
of the thirteeenth of January, 1/87,
concerning the commerce and navigation of
Iceland, and also in sundry other regulations
thereunto appertaining, which have in part
been misunderstood, for the prevention of
fraud and deceit on the part of the traders;
his majesty has now again thought proper,
in order that the intent of the said most
gracious resolution may the better be accomplished,
to give the following articles,
bearing date the seventeenth of this month,
for the observation and notice of ail concerned.
1, That, exclusive of what is ordained in
the foresaid placard, letter a, it shall be
strictly prohibited to expose goods for sale
to the farmers, or any others whomsoever,