products, in return for a reasonable acknowledgement,
if they are of any consequence,
and if he either cannot, or will not, make
use of them himself. The same shall be
the case with sundry other more rare kinds
of mineral substances, such as gypsum and
lime-stone, crystal, opal, calcedony, agate,
jasper, zeolite, and various sorts of volcanic
matter; and even those persons, who may be
willing to polish such stones for ornamental
purposes (for which experience has proved
them to be very suitable), may expect to. be
recompensed according to circumstances;
provided that such an experiment may
appear to promise a beneficial result.
§ x,
Encouragement In like manner, such persons
for using sundry
o th er products, may expect rewards and support,
an d especially . .
o f diift-timber. according to circumstances, who
shall discover and work pit-coal; or shall
find out easier methods of breaking and
using surtur-brand from the rocks; for
which purpose the magistracy shall, in the
manner before described, have the power of
making the necessary agreement with the
owner of the^ soil,, in the, best possible mamner.
The drift-timbér, which is principally
foUnd in the northern!, north-western, and
north-eastern coasts, must doubtless, as
heretofore, remain the property of those,
who are lords of thé éhore; but, it having
bëën proved by experience, that the inhabitants,
from deficiency of means, cannot
sufficiently take advantage thereof, it is our
graeioüs will and pleasure, that, by the
interference' óf the magistracy (at such
places, arid where it is usual for such kind
ôf timbér to bè found) in all cases where
disputbs may arise,- an equitable agreement
Shall be made bètweéri the proprietors of
thè sóli; and sueh! others as might possibly
kithnd makirig a5 côritiriüal usé of the place,
for their own benefit, With regard to making
the best1 use of such timber. And, under
s\ich eircümstandes, the undertakers of all
siielr concerns may expect having somè or
other gratuity allowed them; proportionable
to the purpose' interided ; and morfe especially
iti so far as they niay intend to make use of
the said timber for building of largd boats,
atid other vésSéls1 fit for fishing by sea, and
ffié carriage of goods^ for which purpose,