the next day. Maiia put into the boat, after my refusal to let
her go on hoai'd to pass the night, two bags, and asked me to
send her flour and sugar. She was most importunate for aqua
ardiente, which, however, I refused. Her constant cry was
“ It is very good to he drunk ; I like drinking very much;
rum is very guod.—Give me some ?” (‘Muy bueno es boracho,
mucho mi gusta, mucho mi gusta de beher, muy hueno es aqua
ardiente.—Da me no mas ?’)
Among them was a Fuegian Indian ; hut it did not appear
clearlv whether he was living with them permanently, or only
on a visit. Some of us thought we understood the account of
one of the Patagonians, who seemed to be the most interested
about him, to be, that a master of a sealer had left him amongst
them. We knew him instantly by his squalid and comparatively
diminutive appearance, and were confirmed in our ideas
by his recognition of the words ‘ Hosay ’ and Sherroo.’ The
Patagonian name for a ship is ‘ Carro grande,’ and for a boat
‘ Cano chico,’ a mixture of their oira and the Spanish language.
All that I could understand of his history was, that he
was Cacique of some Indian tribes at a distance: he was
evidently a great favourite, and although Maria spoke generally
with much contempt of the Fuegian Indians, she had patronised
this stranger, for he lived in her toldo, and shared all the
presents that were made to her.
The foUowing morning it rained hard, and blew so fresh a
gale, from the westward, that it would have been dangerous to
send a boat on shore: and I was obliged to weigh without
landing the things which I had promised. After we were under
weio-h, the weather cleared partially, when we observed Mana
on die beach, mounted on her white horse, with others watching
our departure, and when it was evident that we were really
gone, she rode slowly back to her toldo, no doubt considerably
vexed. I was verv sorry to treat them in this way, for their
conduct towards us had been open and friendly. All I could
hope to do, to make amends, was to give something of value
at my return.
^Me steered across the Bay of St. PhiUp, accompanied by